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Rock Fishin For Blackies


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Hi guys

Cam/Sails & I were up at 6am this morning, raring to go & scare a few fish! Down the beach, a lady is walking her dog & 2 blokes have settled in to one of my 3 'spots' that often work in the rougher water. Didn't see them catch any, so we tried another spot just around the corner from them.

We had gathered some cunje last night & opened them all down there - squishy, smelly stuff it is, too! Cam has only ever used it 'fresh' so was surprised at how soft it was, then he noticed the smell! Whew! Bad!

Nothing much there & Cam seriously had doubts if any sensible fish would ever be seen in such a spot, when my rod comes up hard against a fish! Serious Bend, then OFF! :( Bugger! The wash across the rocks was pretty strong, so we opted to go to the ledge we fished the previous evening!

Traipsing across & around the rocks seriously tests my knees & hips - which usuallly sees me fishing easier spots! However, the bro is with me & hoping to get into fish, so I am up to it!!

I toss in a bait & nothing much happens, I let it sit there, then go to pull it up to check whether it had been eaten. As I pull it in, it tightens back & a good fish has jumped on! All too soon, it has jumped off again, as I had not 'struck' to set the hook, but I am excited .....the fish are here!! :thumbup: Shortly after, I am on to another nice fish, about mid 30's & reef him up to the ledge & swing him around to the rocks. Minutes later, I have another one, then another one! Cam hasn't had a hookup yet & the look on his face as he says 'You're on again???!!!' is priceless! I hook up to a couple of just legal bream, also an undersized blackie, which all go back.

Cam is fishing much heavier line than me, so I suggest he puts on a heavier sinker, as the pea sized one may be just a tad too small for the heavier line & conditions. First cast with the bigger sinker & he is on! Didn't set the hook & it got off as he brought it to the surface. :ranting2: Ne'er mind, now he has the feel for it - nothing will stop him! I get on again & have 4 in the pond. We block the pond with a couple of rocks to stop the fish being washed out with the waves. Finally, Cam is onto a fish & I yell "Reef him up & swing him around onto the rocks! Don't 'play' him!" Done!! No 5 in the pond!! :yahoo: Glancing back to the pond after a big wave, I notice that one of the fish is on the rocks & another on the wrong side of the rock baracade!! Ooops! How to lose all your fish in one easy session ..... I gather them all up & whack them in my bucket, with some fresh water from the pond.

Shortly after, Cam hooks a nice solid blackie that goes 40cm!

We continue fishing a quiet patch, where the swell is quite strong & I cop a facefull of wash, wetting me from my hair down to my toes! Nice one!! :mad3: NOT! Then I glance at the rock I am sitting on & notice a bit of bare flesh showing in my nether region .... mmmmmm, not supposed to be seeing bare flesh! I stand up & check out my trousers - they have been on the receiving end of some sharp rocks & have decided to part company at the rear! Air Conditioned pants!! Oooops! Just as well it is just the 2 of us up there!

It really seems to have gone quiet & we decide to hang out there till 9am & then go home for breakfast. I chop up the squishy bits of the cunje & toss that in ( may as well not take it home!) No sooner had we put a time limit on it, than they come on the chew again! (Perhaps the berley helped??) Cam hooks onto a terrific fish, his rod is bent in half as he tries to reef it up to the ledge! A Drummer! :thumbup::biggrin2: Then I get a nice 40cm one & a couple of smaller ones. Cam is having the time of his life! He doesn't want to go home. However, it really has gone quiet this time! We head home, with plans to try again later this afternoon or even when the tide falls a bit, as we fished thru the high tide.

Nice Blackies & Drummer


It bodes well for the fishing break that Cam desired! He got 3 or 4 blackies as well as the drummer. We know he won't be allowed to use the cunje when his wife & daughter join us in a few days!!! :1prop: It took us 1/2hr last night to wash our hands clean & even using lavendar oil didn't disguise the smell totally!! Doesn't seem to bad today, tho!




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GIve it a go, Paint Stripper & good luck! Stay safe! A sturdier 10-12ft rod will do the trick, with a 3500-4000 reel - with at least 10-15lb line. Do the drag up pretty tight, too. A normal blackie rod just wouldn't handle it too well. No float this time, just a pea (or slightly larger) sinker just above the hook. Pull the cunje out of the 'sac' (you'll have to saw a hole in it first) :1prop: Then slice each 'nipple' in half (or quarters if it is a big one!) Leave some of the squishy stuff on. Put the hook thru the nipple part a couple of times & into the squishy stuff if possible.

Then lob it into the wash & hang on! They hit like a Bondi Tram! You don't have time to 'play' them - just reef them towards you & swing them up to where you are!

Look forward to reading of some hookups! If the water remains 'washy' as it is just now, they should be 'on' for another day or two. Once it calms down completely, they will go off the chew & weed or cabbage would be the go again. Tho all the cabbage got knocked off the rocks in the big swell too!



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Very well done Roberta & Cam :yahoo:

Some very nice fish there today, despite the smelly hands and air conditioning :074:

You can see why drummer have so much power...just look at the hefty tail compared to the

blackies...Geez they go!!

The blackie population must be trembling in their boots (or scales) when they see you two

heading their way.

Great to see siblings fishing together and having loads of fun.

Keep those reports coming...making us all down south very envious indeed.



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well done roberta and cam,

that sure sounded like a great session you guys had....

those pigs(drummer)sure go hard dont they cam..

i can see you now hitting the stones at dee why/harbord chasing them now you have a taste of there awesome power....

keep it safe out there guys,

especially clothes wise eh :074: .....

cheers... steve....

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great report roberta :thumbup:

love that type of fishing for blackies in the washes i bet cam was was happy as larry especially with the drummer :yahoo:

lots of them around at the moment [lake and mona] hope they stay

got 5 in the lake this morn will try mona washes tomorrow

peter :1fishing1:

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Bugger! Just did a reply & accidentally deleted it instead of posting it!!

Hi Peter & Steve

We have had some serious fun up here already!! My back & hip is telling me so. Cam has 15 fish in the freezer, ready to take home in a week or so. Not bad after 1 day's fishing, eh? And we've already eaten 3 as well!

Cam will undoubtably be looking for some similar gutters & holes to target next time the water roughs up a bit down there!! :biggrin2:

He enjoyed his outing with Gordon yesterday afternoon - he will be posting that report today sometime!



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Hi Roberta

Great report - you're the most gun blackfisher I know!!

A question for you though, did you deliberately leave the cunjie out to get stinkified? Is this a tactic for blackies/drummer, i.e. day old cunjie instead of fresh?

I'm guessing so since it was so successful for you and Cam! Do you think it would work at other times or only during a big swell?

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Hi Ian

Get out there & give it a go! The drummer are there - Cam got a huge hit just this morning - it was all he could do to hang on to the rod ..... he wasn't able to lift the rod or wind, until the fish straightened his suicide hook & got off. :( Very exciting for about 4 seconds! Shame he got off - Cam was a bit dirty on it :1badmood: but also a bit exstatic at the same time :1prop: as it was so much fun!

Hi Mondo

After the seas have knocked the cunje off the rocks with the rough weather, it floats around for a few days till the currents wash it ashore on our beaches here. By then, it has already gone 'off' a bit ..... and in a matter of days, it is really off!! :wacko: it stinks!!

A lot of places don't allow you to cut cunje from the rock platforms, so most blackie/drummer fishos can't wait for the cunje to wash up, so they can attack it & freeze it for later!!

i guess in the rough water, the fish rely on smell - whereas when it is really clear, they seem to go for the cabbage again, ie sight! The 2 bigger fish caught this morning were chocka fulll of cabbage, but still took the cunje!

Cunje is a top all round bait, but it stinks!!! The blackies like it more in the rough - but I guess some may take it any time! Bream like it as well as drummer.

Our lot left over from yesterday actually blew the top off the plastic jar we had it in, overflowed & leaked out fluid onto the garage floor! :( Keith was not impressed!! :wife:

Looks like my other brother is also getting excited about the fishing, & is now talking about coming up tomorrow for a few days!!! Go Blackies!!!! :yahoo::thumbup:



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Looks sensational up there at the moment Roberta !!

We will be up there on the 26th Jan, tinny in tow, and ready to fish! Is the lake and river firing at the moment also? My bestest fishing buddy (My 8 year old son) has been getting cramps in his casting arm, and he holds the family record with a 68cm Flattie caught up there about this time last year.

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Hi Lukeanna

Look forward to seeing you guys again!! Bring your worming pliers & we'll give the worms again!

I've been hearing good reports of flatties in the lake - when the blackies go 'off' we'll get our yaks out & head to the lake!

See ya


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