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Hey all

Been having a few problems lately on the squid..... Its not so much the catching them, its landing the bloody things, or dropping them. :1badmood:

For example was out today with Rod aka Tomahawk 1999 chasing the squid before targetting the kingys... Noooooooo probs finding the lil buggers, first cast as per my usual last 4 outings, bang on a squid, S@#$ dropped it, bang on again, DAMN! dropped it again!!!!!!!!!! Todays effort has been no different than the last month for me,,, landed 4-6 and dropped at least DOUBLE that. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I fish a 1-3kg outfit with smallest jiggs possible ie 1.8 or smaller and have still be losing alot even when i can see the squid hanging onto the jigg. Give the rod a slight twit to set the hook, and still miss em!!! :mad3::1badmood:

Can anybody give me some ideas to solve this prob????? At the moment Im chasing down some razor backs jiggs,,,, (fingers crossed :thumbup: ) this might help a few more stick!!!




PS Tomahawk your a legend!!! Past few times (squidding) have been woeful for me, and I was on the verge of tossing my rig over the side, just as well it was your rod as mines getting fixed :biggrin2:

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I have discussed this with Slinkymalinky on a few recent trips and have found mono fishing line may result in more captures. We are both fishing for squid with mono now and rarely drop them. Hope this helps



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As well as fishing mono, if you can see them hanging on but not hooking up it must be because you haven't buried the hooks into them. I can only suggest trying (as odd as it sounds) fishing a slightly heavier outfit and if your rod is really soft, a slightly faster taper model.

If the rod action is too slow and drag is set too light with ultra light line you may not be able to 'break the grip' of the squid enough to move the jig and set the hooks.

BrettP and I use mono straight to the jigs. I fish 10lb Platypus Super 100 on a 7' 4-6kg Strudwick. Brett uses a slightly shorter rod of about 6' and I think about the same breaking strain line. We have no trouble getting lots of hits from squid so there is no need to go lighter (I fished for a while with 4lb with no noticeable increase in squid). We haven't missed out on catching a fair number of squid once this season.

The added advantage is if you get your jig snagged up (and if it doesn't happen occasionally you're not fishing close enough to Squid country), you've got a much better chance of getting it back. At $15-$20 for good jigs, I don't like losing them.

Cheers, Slinky

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hi all

this mite sound crazy but when i first started squiding an old bloke told me

to clean the spikes of the jigs with a tooth brush after every outing

to clean all the muck and crap that builds up over time and it seems to work for me

i probly drop 1 in 20

i run 12lb braid and 15lb leader and never had a prob



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D&G - losing squid from the jig is usually (in my experience) a sign that the jig is too small.

I recently had a session using 1.8 Yamashitas and was getting plenty of hook-ups but losing them all on the way in. Changed to a 2.5 inch yo-zuri in the same colour and didn't miss another squid for the evening.

I use 4lb fireline with a 6lb leader.

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I use 8lb Fireline and a 14lb fluro leader on a reasonably stiff rod and a size 2.5 or 3.0 jig (mainly Yo Zuris)and rarely drop them. Some times I end up with a piece of tentacle only but usually, I get the bugger. I fish for Calamari only. Those Arrows give me the shits.

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I use 8lb Fireline and a 14lb fluro leader on a reasonably stiff rod and a size 2.5 or 3.0 jig (mainly Yo Zuris)and rarely drop them. Some times I end up with a piece of tentacle only but usually, I get the bugger. I fish for Calamari only. Those Arrows give me the shits.

Couldn't agree more with the Arrows comment... popped a little one in the tank with 3 or 4 Yakkas on Saturday. Where the Yakkas are happy to swim with calimari in the same tank... they went ape droppings with the arrow in there.

cheers, Slinky

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whoa first post in nearly a month..... deep breath..... here goes, Im sure you are probably doing all these thing already and it may have been you guys that put me on to the egimax but i find it seems to keep the little squidies interestead in the jigs longer. Also i came across a couple of yamashita jigs a couple of months ago and since then squiding has been far more succesful specially under the spit. I know its usually crappy arrows under there but they make great strip baits for back up if you cant get into any so cals. The yamashita jigs im refering to are a cloth jig but their body's are still full lumo. I cant remember seing any special name but they are the only ones that i've seen that are full lumo/glow body without being the hard plastic ones. Ive never had to much luck with them personally but a few mates use them to good effect, but back to the yamashitas even in daylight hours when the glow isnt so much of an issue the have a really good sink rate.

If it helps i use a carbon 3-6kilo with 12lb braid and up to a 20lb leader depending on how much im getting in the zone( read snagging myself in the weeds)

Hope that helps!

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whoa first post in nearly a month..... deep breath..... here goes, Im sure you are probably doing all these thing already and it may have been you guys that put me on to the egimax but i find it seems to keep the little squidies interestead in the jigs longer. Also i came across a couple of yamashita jigs a couple of months ago and since then squiding has been far more succesful specially under the spit. I know its usually crappy arrows under there but they make great strip baits for back up if you cant get into any so cals. The yamashita jigs im refering to are a cloth jig but their body's are still full lumo. I cant remember seing any special name but they are the only ones that i've seen that are full lumo/glow body without being the hard plastic ones. Ive never had to much luck with them personally but a few mates use them to good effect, but back to the yamashitas even in daylight hours when the glow isnt so much of an issue the have a really good sink rate.

If it helps i use a carbon 3-6kilo with 12lb braid and up to a 20lb leader depending on how much im getting in the zone( read snagging myself in the weeds)

Hope that helps!

The Yamashita's you're talking about have as usual, mostly japanese all over the box... but the word Glow is on there with it... They have a naturals range that is in the same looking box but aren't glow jigs so make sure you pick up the right ones. I haven't tried mine out at the spit yet but I've heard the same report from a few people... Just hit em with a light and drop them down.

Cheers, Slinky

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