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My First Kings, Sydney 02/02/08


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Well after reading many posts of kingy action and getting the live bait thing down pat i finally got some action myself.

Hit the water late about lunch time, i was only going to check if the boat had sunk and pump some water out when i thought why not go for a fish now that i am out here so off i went to get some livies.

Managed about 10 in 15mins so off i go to the closest marker i could see and dropped one down and within a few minutes the rod was bent over and i was on to my first king yeeee haaaa i thought as i was trying to hold the rod a move the boat so i did crash into the other boat near me.

After taking line and me getting some back a few times i was busted off :mad3: so i re rigged and down with another, it was not to long before i was on again and this time i was not going to be busted off, took my time and did not let him get to far away and after 5 mins i had landed my first king of 66cm :yahoo:

I had one more livie left so down he went and got taken within minutes but all i had on my hook was his lower jaw :mad3:

Back to get some more livies and back i went, sent one down and within a minute i was on again yeee haaa, this one kept heading for my anchor rope and went around it and i thought that was it but i managed to pass the rod under the rope and he was free and i landed him lot long after, this one was 66cm.

At one point i could see half a dozen kings going around and around the marker on top of the water which i was very excited about.

Back at the mooring by 6pm and a big smile on my face, this will keep my father in law quiet as he is always asking "where are the fish".

I will try and post the picks later, they are on my phone and i cant find the cable :mad3:

Cheers :beersmile:


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