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Kingfish Rig


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Gday raiders, im always trying new rigs for kings to find the best working so i can prepare a few rigs before i go , but id like to find out what the most popular rig is used by most of you guys. please take a second to let me know as every little tip counts to me. cheers and happy fishing.cam.

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Hi kingfishercam

A pretty standard dead bait kingfish rig would be as follows - running round sinker to a bead and swivel, bead to protect the braid knot from sinker impact. About a fifty centimetre leader to a mustard hoodlum hook say 7/0 which also can be used for live bait. The short shank of the hoodlum hook does not give too much leaway for head shake and hook throw.

You could snell knot a second hook and have it trailing a livie or hooked thru a squid strip etc. You can experiment with a teaser with trebbles hanging off the treaser swivel etc

There are other variations worth evaluating.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hey Kingfishercam,

Jewgaffer's suggestions are spot on. There are heaps of variations we all use but they're essentially the same and often come down to personal preference.

For live bait on either the down rigger or otherwise, I use 2 hook rigs. A larger top hook (I've just started using a sliding snell to attach this guy and it seems to be working really well, allowing me to adjust the distance between the hooks to suit the bait) and a slightly smaller stinger - I use either trebles or singles and don't seem to have much difference in catch rate but the singles are much easier to store as ready made rigs. Hook size for me is decided by the bait size. Yesterday we were using little jellybean Yakkas so I was using a 2/0 top hook and a 1/0 stinger... I use various brands of hooks but Owner make great, extra strong hooks in those small sizes. For bigger baits I go up to bigger hooks but usually no more than about a 5/0 top hook and 3/0 stinger.

For fishing squid strips I usually use a single hook rig tied like Jewgaffer suggested but I use circle hooks (personal preference again) pinned once through the top of the bait with LOTS of hook exposure. I use either Black Magic KL's, Gamakatsu Octopus Circles or Owner Mutus... all really good patterns but the KLs are my prefferred option (I think I just like them coz they're really black!! lol).

I always go out with my rigs ready made in little plastic wallets. I have a crimped loop in the end of each so rigging for me just involves tying on a snap swivel and clipping on the rig. I can swap rigs to suit different baits and fishing styles in a couple of seconds.

Cheers, Slinky

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That is an excellent example of a lethal kingfish rig Inhlanzi. I like the idea of firmly hooking one of the trebble hooks right in the tan track. It would hang in there very well. Wouldn't harm the fish all that much and I reckon every predator in the neighbourhood would hark to the sounds of irritation around the cyber :D

Cheers mate

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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its a long time since i fished for kings proberly a bit old fashioned

instead of a sinker use a halco chrome 3oz tailor lure or similar with hooks removed swivel each end

40cm trace to a 5o to 7o hook this rig used to work well with occy leg and squid strips

lurealso acts as a flasher to attract them

peter :1fishing1:

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What size leader do you use and haw many crimps do you put on?

I always use 2 crimps on 60lb and have never had a failure there.


G'day Robbie,

I just use a single crimp and while I usually tend to get Jinkai crimps, it doesn't seem to matter when I use much cheaper ones (at the end of the day they're just aluminium that gets mushed up anyway). I match the breaking strain of line to the hook size (which is in turn matched to bait size) so with smaller baits I end up fishing a more lightweight rig... it helps present the smaller baits better and keep them healthy longer. Usually 40lb with small hooks, 60lb with bigger and 80-100lb for really big baits. Mostly 40 or 60 in the harbour.



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That is an excellent example of a lethal kingfish rig Inhlanzi. I like the idea of firmly hooking one of the trebble hooks right in the tan track. It would hang in there very well. Wouldn't harm the fish all that much and I reckon every predator in the neighbourhood would hark to the sounds of irritation around the cyber :D

Cheers mate

jewgaffer :1fishing1:


I reckon you'd be a bit irritated too with one third of a treble carefully placed in the main vein. Cycling to work would be out of the question.

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its a long time since i fished for kings proberly a bit old fashioned

instead of a sinker use a halco chrome 3oz tailor lure or similar with hooks removed swivel each end

40cm trace to a 5o to 7o hook this rig used to work well with occy leg and squid strips

lurealso acts as a flasher to attract them

peter :1fishing1:

This is a top rig!! you can also upsize the jig to 200gm and there is your downrigger with built in flasher/teaser although mabe increase the leader to at least a meter. this ia a cheap way to slow troll your livies/ squid etc, more importantly it works.

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Tha way I've been told to set this up is to use a heavy knife jug (300g) as a sinker on with of the rigs described here, e.g. main -> swivel -> jig ->swivel -> leader ->hook(s). When slowly trolled this goes down relatively deep (not as deep as downrigger, but still deep).



Can someone explain explain the "Poormans Downrigger"

Thanks David

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