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1st Test Of Downrigger


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Hi all,

I have installed Scotty's 1050 and used it for the 1st time yesterday in Botany. I caught some OK fish (salmon, not kingie), but not on the downrigger. Because of the not very pleasent weather I had to cut my session short, but I have tried DR and would appreciate some advice (e.g. was the way I used it OK). So:

1) Not a question, but an impression if somebody is interested. I decided to use a rail mount (think it was 1027) - the one that needs a timber block. It took some handywork to have it installed on Quintrex rails... but it worked and I can't blame it now - its convenient (tyhat is assumed I used it prpoerly). If somebody is interested I can PM a photo.

2) I noticed the DR was produced kind of a sound when used - like quiet humming - is that normal?

3) The biggest question. When I was lowering the bomb (I was useing an eggbeater reel) I noticed that - even when I don't open the bail arm (just loosening the drag) - more line is taken from the spool than required - e.g. there was a slack/belly of the main line between the rod tip and the clip. So at 1st I thought that the line slipped out of the clip - it was entering the water like there was no downrigger used. Later I figured out to tale out the slack (there was some resistance when I was doing the) - after that the line was entering the water at wahet seemed to be the right place ( a clip leader distance from the bomb wire point of entry). Is that a normal practice? Hope I explained this properly.

Many thanks


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Yes you can expect the stainless wire rope to hum, that's normal. If you don't like it you can go to Dacron or mono :)

The belly in the line is standard procedure. Just reel in your line until you have pressure on the clip. One turn to far and you will have to reset it though :)

It's all part of the learning curve, it won't take you long before you have it sussed out and can drop a bait down in around 30sec...


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Thanks Robbie,

As soon as humming is OK and the belly in the line is standard - I think I'm good for more. Hope the weather improves.

I'll probably practice with hardbody or a sluggo before rigging live bait though.

Thanks again


Yes you can expect the stainless wire rope to hum, that's normal. If you don't like it you can go to Dacron or mono :)

The belly in the line is standard procedure. Just reel in your line until you have pressure on the clip. One turn to far and you will have to reset it though :)

It's all part of the learning curve, it won't take you long before you have it sussed out and can drop a bait down in around 30sec...


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I'll probably practice with hardbody or a sluggo before rigging live bait though.

Thanks again

Feet first mate :)

A very imoprtant part of down rigging is bait presentation. Get into it, forget the sluggos and HBs. If you intend to D.R. livies, do it! :)

You will be wasting your precious fishing time mucking about with other stuff....

It won't take you long to figure it out :)


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Kruzenvax, I am where you are in your DR expriences as i jus installed mine and took it for a test run in the bay on the weekend. Didnt take me to long to figure out how to use thing clip and dropping the bomber down. My problem is rigging up the bait (e.g squid) so it doesnt spin when trolling.

I did see a differents when i was usin a hook that didnt have a off set and also hooked the bait a certin way.

G'day mate,

It's hard to rig dead squid not to spin... livies keep theselves upright (but make sure you use straight hooks, not offset hooks). The best way to rig a dead squid is using a rig I found in a Geoff Wilson knots & rigs book. It involves adding a sinker to the top hook in a crimped loop... impossible to explain without seeing it, sorry... but it's easy to do. The cheats way is to use a heavy jig head as the top hook. It keeps everything upright when your bait can't do it itself (cause it's dead!).

Cheers, Slinky

Slinky gave me a tip on a way not to make it spin but im not sure how to rig it up that way yet.

I jus came back for another test run on the harbour but i didnt get any kings from this session but im sure gettin the hang of it. Maybe it was my bait or maybe there wasnt even kings in the arvo??? who knows but i have to keep on trying.

Maybe nectic (pro in DR) can give us a few tips. :biggrin2:

Edited by Little Hooker
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Yes, I am using a jughead on dead bait (honestly I do not use dead bait a lot; but I used garfish and gulp squid = elive it counts as dead :D )

Another alternative I tried - and it looks like it doesn;t spin - is the "worm" hook with one of those lunker city underbelly wights - works like a keel.

Having said that, I'm very new to baiting and (especially) trolling.



Kruzenvax, I am where you are in your DR expriences as i jus installed mine and took it for a test run in the bay on the weekend. Didnt take me to long to figure out how to use thing clip and dropping the bomber down. My problem is rigging up the bait (e.g squid) so it doesnt spin when trolling.

I did see a differents when i was usin a hook that didnt have a off set and also hooked the bait a certin way.

Slinky gave me a tip on a way not to make it spin but im not sure how to rig it up that way yet.

I jus came back for another test run on the harbour but i didnt get any kings from this session but im sure gettin the hang of it. Maybe it was my bait or maybe there wasnt even kings in the arvo??? who knows but i have to keep on trying.

Maybe nectic (pro in DR) can give us a few tips. :biggrin2:

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Hey guys, Robbies info is spot on....

After a few attempts you will get the hang of it and have it all figured out.

The next time im out i will try and get some video footage of how we rig our livie up and how to best strip a squid...

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Thanks for that - will be waiting.... Can you add a video of setting up your downrigger (e.g. getting bait out and lowering the bomb), please :D


Hey guys, Robbies info is spot on....

After a few attempts you will get the hang of it and have it all figured out.

The next time im out i will try and get some video footage of how we rig our livie up and how to best strip a squid...

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You're right guys... never regretted I joined FR.

The help I'm getting is unbelievable.

Unfortunatelly there will be no footage: I tried to move my appointments for tomorrow but - alas - no luck in that. @#&&!^#&!$&!!!!!

Biggest disappointment of my fishing life so far... don't know what else to say...

Thank you all and Robbie and particluar.

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