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Yarramundi Surprize

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Gday All

Got home early yesterday , had a quick flick down at Yarramundi tracked all over the place picked up one Bass on surface popper which would have been around the 20cm mark , took three flicks to get him as he was hiding out in a large sunken log.

I moved over to an area that I have caught a couple in the last couple of weeks and almost had a heart attack!!!

As I was flicking my lure out I heard this large splash a little up stream not seeing anything or anybody my first thought that it must have been a large carp then all of a sudden a headless sheep body comes floating by , thinking of the Hawkesbury panther I started surveying the area and looked back at where the sheep had come from and almost threw up not one sheep floating anymore but seven headless sheep , I was frozen for a while as I watched in horror as these lifeless bodies floated down my favourite fishing hole , I proceeded to move out of the area and tried one more spot before heading to the car , I called my wife and she said that I should call the police so I gave Windsor a call and spoke to an officer and he said he would investigate.

Makes one wonder what sort of people we have living in our little town.

Has anyone else had an experience like that?

On the good side they will proberbly make good berly in a couple of days if the weather stays warm. :puke:



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Thats disgusting,not only the fact that the sheep had been so pointlessly slaughtered, :mad3: but then to also dump them in a water way :thumbdown:

Could also probably contact the RSPCA,they take a very dim view on this sought of disguting behaviour.



P.s Well done on the bass on popper :thumbup: its my favourite way to catch bass,so visual.

Edited by vipernut
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That is shocking ..... and also a dreadful waste of meat!!! :) Even mutton is nice if cooked correctly!! If I was you, I wouldn't have hung round either ......if they did that to the sheep, what would they do to the person that knows what they did???

Hope it gets tracked back to the perpetrator ...... not sure how, but hope they get the sick bastard!


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Hey all

I've lived in this area for many years and some strange things happen

Most have been put down to the Panther but this is not all correct

There is a species of Rednecked Drop Bear that live in this area and they are the sworn enemy of sheep.

This is probably the culprit.

hope this helps


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Your post is a strange reminder of something I saw in September last year fishing the nepean at Camden for Bass.

I have a pic of it and can't work out exactly what this is floating in the river? I thought wallaby when I first saw it but it looks like it has a hoof like foot?

The strange thing is it was also missing a head which makes your post very interesting.

Please ignore the date stamp on the pic. The camera defaults to 1/1/2004 if I take the battery out.


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That's pretty weird mate, certainly not something you see every day. :1prop:

Good point about berley though with all the gents that will no doubt be along for the ride...

As for your pic ARP1980, I dunno what the hell it is, but it looks fairly large and it looks to have no head...

Maybe there's a serial sheep-beheader lurking around...



Edited by Tony Soprano
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aren't you suppose to keep the bodies and throw away the heads! :1prop:

....weirdo's........he said with a sheepish grin!....... :074:

..it couldn't be a panther they cant keep up with a terry lamb!.................

panthers in 2008.......we hope!........


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aren't you suppose to keep the bodies and throw away the heads! :1prop:

....weirdo's........he said with a sheepish grin!....... :074:

..it couldn't be a panther they cant keep up with a terry lamb!.................

panthers in 2008.......we hope!........


Terry lamb would slaughter the panthers.

Up the doggies.

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