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Jewfish Rigs


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Hi everyone, I know I ask alot of Jewie questions but you see I'm running out of time to catch my first. The Mrs is dragging me off to live in England for a while later this year and I figure there are a limited amount of full and new moons before it gets too cold to fish off the beach at night.

Just thought I would run you through my rig again in the hope of a new idea that I could try.

I use an Alvey with 12ft rod. 15kg main line, running sinker (weight depends on conditions) decent size swivel, 40kg leader about 50cm - 60cm down to an 8O hook. Sometimes I snell 2 hooks. I find a good Jew holding gutter where I've seen them taken before. Cast out just before dusk and fish into the night with a big hight on or after dark and a high barometer. I've tried numerous live and fresh baits (squid, tailor, yellowtail, mullet, fish heads) which I'm starting to realise may not be as important as everyone makes out based on my experience last Thurs night where a bloke rocked up next to me, borrowed a hook, threw out an old stinkin squid a bang 10kg Jew. Never fished the beach before.

I would hate to think that if I do ever get that run, my tackle isn't up to speed.

I do realise they are hard to get and I need to be patient but beleive me I have been putting in PLENTY of hrs. Any suggestions would be greatly apprciated thank you.


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With the limited time you've got I'd suggest you spend some $$ on a charter. If you ring GoFish Pete or Fishfinder Tony in their shops they'll be able to point you in the right direction. As well as boat based charters there are also land based charters you can get if that's your preference.

A charter will give you a much better chance of getting your first one.

Alternatively, you might be able to get one of the Jewie specialists on the site to take you out before you head for the Old Country (don't forget to pack your carp rods!!)

Cheers, Slinky

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I think that you need to see a shrink...............................forget the Jewies. Why in Gods name would you want to go to England?........to live????????????.

If you do end up there, pop in and give their cricket team a few pointers.And if you see Wilkinson, break his goal kicking foot please. :mad3:


Stumpy :biggrin2:

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Increase your leader length to 1m and down to 40lb as suggested.


heheh! thanks for that slinky. Carp rods aye. Last time I was over there a bloke took me out to a pond. We fished that bad boy for 8 long hrs for 1 tench. Boring as batshit it was.


I think that you need to see a shrink...............................forget the Jewies. Why in Gods name would you want to go to England?........to live????????????.

If you do end up there, pop in and give their cricket team a few pointers.And if you see Wilkinson, break his goal kicking foot please. :mad3:


Stumpy :biggrin2:

Ah stumpy, ironically that's how I met my mrs. Playing cricket over there. Funny stuff. and between you and me. England's not my first choice although if this Jewie doesn't come soon, giving the lot up is an option.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Nats,

Unfortunately, contrary to what people say about fishing, luck has a lot to do with it as well.

and it really annoys me when some random fisherman comes up, doesn't know what he's doing and just bags one!

xtosea knows, I've been chasing Jew from the wharves around Sydney for years.. and I still haven't gotten one.. xtosea also knows how @nal I am about my setup, I tie every single knot perfectly, preset every single bait the best possible way...

And I'm sure I'm using the right gear, right bait, right rigs, fishing the right time..... if you're unlucky, you're just unlucky..

good luck with it mate, hope you get one before leaving.

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.. based on my experience last Thurs night where a bloke rocked up next to me, borrowed a hook, threw out an old stinkin squid a bang 10kg Jew. Never fished the beach before.

Although luck has something to do with it, maybe this fella had something right going for him. Did you speak to him before/after his catch, check out his tackle (apart from the hook he borrowed) and ask him for tips ? If he was a full hack and had never picked up a fishing rod before, then I would be pretty pi55ed off .. :1prop:

I am never too shy or arrogant to ask another fisho a question or 10 .. might just help you bag that jew !

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I have caught jew on the most S##t bait possible.

Go a bit lighter on the tackle and hook size.

Once you hooked a jew on the beach your pretty much assured of landing him if you take your time. Let him wear himself down.

Take your time. Once he has finished his first run and you turn his head your looking good.

He will probably go on another two runs not as hard as the first.

Be careful landing him as this where i have seen a lot lost.

Once you know hes close try and use the wave action to beach him. At this time especially dont give him slack line. For that matter never give em slack line.

I am gonna try next week at longie when the tides are better.

Dont give up as i reckon the first is always the hardest.

I never catch much at the beach because i am only targeting jewies.

One of the first times i ever beach fished i hooked a jew and had him on for like 20mins on the worst gear you could imagine.

I was walking down the beach with him trying to get line back. Just as he was about to spool me i tried to turn his head - ping. A north Narra high tide.

I had to go into therapy over that one.

Issue resolved a few years later when a beach jew landed.

Mate when you least expect it and your gazing up at the starts lost in thought - it will happen.

Stay relaxed and enjoy :1prop:

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^^ HAHA !!!

I forgot to mention that there ARE exceptions and that is blackfishing ..

This group of fishos will take their secrets to the grave.

One exception to the blackfish mafia though .. and her name is Roberta :) One of the most helpful on the site :)

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