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Some Nice Blackies To 35cm & One Bream


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Hi guys

Finally got into some nice blackies in Wallis Lake on Sunday. THey didn't take bait till the tide turned from full high to slowly going out, then they went beserk for 1hr!!! I must have caught more than 10, but only kept three - 30, 31 & 35cm. The smaller ones (some legal) kept me busy. Using a firmer rod, I managed to control the 35cm one & it towed me in a semi circle, trying to get back into the lease to bust me off!

post-2231-1205141800_thumb.jpg post-2231-1205141660_thumb.jpg

Also got a nice 33cm bream in the leases again the day before, on Hodgey's lure, again!!


He put up a spirited fight & deserved his freedom. More & More, I find myself putting fish back, only occassionally keeping a feed. I only like eating fish twice a week anyway! I really just like the challenge of catching the pesky little blighters!

Can't wait till they come on for longer than an hour!



Hope to try for some bass in local rivers next weekend ..... :1prop:

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hi roberta

great catch . well conditioned fish

same thing happened down here last week came on the bite top of tide and 1hr after usually we get them on the run up to high

peter :1fishing1:

1 blackie has 10 strips the others seem to only have 7 does anyone know if they all have different numbers of stries??

Edited by luderick59
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Hi Peter

Will have to check the number of stripes from here on in!! Hadn't really thought of it before!! There were some whoppers along the break wall on Sat PM (last of the run out) & I wished I'd taken my rod with me ..... instead of just gathering bait! :(

Don't think they were biting again, tho! I must give them another go but am pretty busy just now till Easter!

Good luck at Mona Vale! Give Sails a yahoo & get him to dust off his blackie gear in the afternoons before daylight savings stops!



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Nice fish Roberta

Was talking to Dad an old hand at breakwalls in his youth and he says that its strange to have decent fish hanging around in good numbers he always swore by the april till September runs up north then he reckons their habits have gone arse about now go figure hey!

Check your PM's the peice will be free! I reckon they are bloody useless as they cause more tangles than not i will write some articles eventually on centrepins for the website, just got to find the time.



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Many thanks for that, Royce!

A spear fishing buddy reckons there are currently huge schools of very big blackies hanging off the headlands of Seven Mile Beach!!! Hope they come into the system sooN!

Mind you, that nice white one of mine would have been a recent immigrant to the lake, I reckon!



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Nice to see you getting among the good size blackfish and bream Roberta ! Good to hear the water is nice and clean up there. Is that Barclay's oyster lease in the background?

By the way good luck with your bass sessions over the weekend! Your kayak will come in very handy to do just enough long strokes on the oars to just glide along and sneak up on them. The kayak would be just the thing to get to those likely looking holes in between the shallow sections that are too difficult for others to access. Just thinking it might be an idea to stock up on worms and salt water nippers which are also a great bait for freshwater bass and would be handy to have as a back up for the times when they're not taking the lures


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Brickman

Re your questions ...

1 what lb line do you use - in the yak I use 6lb braid with a 1m 20lb shock length for the sinkers, then 6lb-10lb fluoro as traces

2 what bait for the blackys - green weed (found in ponds or drains) or sea cabbage (on rocks at low tide)

3 do you ever run into windsurfers on the lake - not yet!!!

4 ever fish for flathead in the lake - used to all the time, but just love going for blackies now!!! Must get back into the flatties again tho, as I have spooked some big ones recently!

If you want to read more about these pesky little blighters & how to catch them, a bunch of us put up the 'best tips' on blackie fishing last year on this thread ...


Hope you get into them - a warning tho - it is highly addictive!

Ooooh Jewgaffer

hadn't thought about the worms & nippers ...... I have plenty of worms in our vege patch just now ..... not many veges tho!!! Thanks for that! Not sure if it is still 'on' - depends on whether my buddy is available! He knows where to go!!! He got a 56cm wild bass last week! Pulled like a freight train!



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thanks for the info roberta[pritty much what i thought you would use except for the leader]helps with the oyster leases ,about the windsurfers.why i asked was my sister and brother inlaw own and run a windsurfing school on the lake glad there not a pain in the ass.havent fished for blackys for 20 years or more,may leave it till my later years.but i love catching kings on 6lb in the boat.

along time ago i hand my dads dads split cane rods restored[1hex one peace.1 hex 3 peace]heading up to see them in two weeks will take some snapps these are 60 odd years old and in as new nick both blacky rods will post them in fishing chat asap

thank again for the reply regards brickman

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