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Where To Put Me When I'm Gone


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Having attended a funeral and wake :beersmile: today I am currently in negotiations with the better half about where to put me when the time comes.

SWMBO is not happy with my request to be cremated, ashes mixed with bread and used in a poddie trap. Apparently she thinks this is a little over the top.

Where do you want to be placed?


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Hi Davemmm

The bread might be a bit 'over the top' but the rest of it, I concur!

Both my other Half & I have agreed to be cremated & our ashes sprinkled out on Wallis Lake somewhere .... Spot X .... just call it burley!!! :) Keep it simple!!


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hi dave,

my father passed away a year ago and we fulfilled the wishes of both him an mum and scattered their ashes up winsor way where many great times had growing up.....

we had 3 boats of family members and rest on shore...we also threw flower petals as well for the beauty of it... the ashes tended to float but with the flowers looked great.. i can highly reccomend this ritual for anyone thats considering this.. where we did it was sooooo peaceful and the hawks is such a beautiful waterway....

i have always wanted to be scattered amongst the fishies since a kid....

one thing i did think of later was did any sort of permission of any sorts have to be granted..

this crossed my mind as the slick created was very noticable.....

anyway good food for thought so to speak...


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According to the NSW Dept. of Health, there are certain guideline that must be followed:

Do you need any special permission to scatter the ashes?

It is important to get permission from the owners of private land or the Trust of Parks and reserves, or from local council for parks, beaches and playing fields as scattering of ashes may contravene the provisions of the Clean Air Act, or they may constitute water pollution. Councils and other Government Authorities will set time and place when these activities can be undertaken and can impose other conditions.

Disposal of ashes without consent from appropriate authorities may result in legal proceedings to be initiated against the person disposing the ashes.

Good old burocracy gets you even when you are brown bread. :1badmood:


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My Family scattered our Father's ashes in the Hauraki Gulf, NZ @ his favourite snapper spot. It was a scene straight out of The Big Lebowski, the persistent winds there scattering half of it over us. We laughed our asses off at the irony of the situation, someone said "He's STILL in our faces!"

That really lifted our spirits at such a somber time, the tonic we all needed. Everyone enjoyed a drink or ten and remembered the good times we had at Dad's 'good time' spot. The way he would have wanted it - with a garnish of good humour.

So if you want to be poddy poo, tell your family to respect your wishes!!

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thanks for that pete,

saves me lookin it up as ive been meanin to for ages.....

i knew if anyone would provide the good oil it would be you...

i bet the local council will add some fees to alow this to happen also......

they will get you even when you goooone... like you said pete...

cheers... steve....

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So if you want to be poddy poo, tell your family to respect your wishes!!

Not sure that is what I had in mind. I was thinking more flatty bait.

Anyhow I like all of the stuff that you have raised but the last agreement from SWMBO is scattering over Sutho oval but all I ever did there was lose. :1prop:


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........ I am currently in negotiations with the better half about where to put me when the time comes.

SWMBO is not happy with my request to be cremated, ashes mixed with bread and used in a poddie trap. Apparently she thinks this is a little over the top.

Where do you want to be placed?


Gee Dave I think I'm a bit of a coward I want to be placed last on the list if that's alright with you Dave, my old mate.

Sort of Cheers :(

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I'm going in the Harbour because I float.

I am a little worried about the sharks.

My dad is going on a trotting track at the winning post.

My wife and I have a large parcel of land in PNG, at a place called Wagawaga in Milne bay province where she is from, the land is right on a magnificent penninsula from where we have caught Cobia and trevs just spinning from the land, As this is where we plan to retire, my ashes can be put anywhere there.


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