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Kingie Kup 24032008


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No reports lately as I haven't been out much for one reason or another that I won't bore you with.

With the weather looking good for Sunday morning and no other excuses we commited to another round of the Kingie Kup.

Woke up at 3am to find it's raining and blowing SW. :1badmood:, all be it lightly.

So we set off to the Spit for squid along with a dozen other boats. Managed a total of 4 having dropped a couple. Certainly slower than usual. Rain wasn't much fun at times and thunder after sun up was plain scary with arsenal of graphite rods on board.

Headed off to the harbour and tried the Western marker. Decent mid water archers on the sounder but no takers just pickers. Mate gets one good hit but didn't connect.

The good news was that the weather had turned perfect. Light NE breeze and blue skies.

Another boat turns up and with seconds lands the smallest mouse King I have ever seen. Couple of minutes later and I'm onto a similar sized fish. I didn't measure it but I reckon it wouldn't have been more than 25-30 cm long. No photo as it is on my mates phone. Can't see much of anyway as my hands are in the way!

Move onto another marker. Similar story spending at least 20 minutes for a couple of follows and tentative hits, but the fish were definantely there though. Just as we were about to pull the pin and I'm on and bring up up a rat that went just under legal. Took this pic and let him go. Did a bit more fishing before giving up and heading home.

No prizes for guessing exactly where this was caught.


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