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Making Your Own Knife Jigs..with Knives..?


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Hey all,

After a recent trip I discovered the world of Jigging for Kings, and have to say it was ****** Awsome.. Unfortunately I lost a few fish, and also a couple of knife jigs.. that belonged to the skipper..and It got me thinking..

Can I make my own Jigs??

So Off to vinnies and picked up some old cutlery.. got a nice variety of knifes, - Butter, cheese, etc ...

I assume drilling a hole in the top of handle and using split ring for line and hook will be strong enough for that XL fish Im after...?

WHat about weight position on knife? does weight need to be at top or bottom?

Has anyone tried this before? if so any tips??


Robbie, I will replace your Jigs with NEW proffesional product, until my custom range gets off the ground....!!

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Hi Toby

I haven't made a full sized knife jig, but have cut lots of knives up to make regular tailor lures from them! I have made one from the actual knife blade & another from the handle. Caught fish from both! Use the grinder to put an angle on the hole you have drilled (keep dunking it in water to cool) - otherwise it is very difficult to get the split rings thru the hole as the handle end is so thick - or the split rings distort.

There is no reason why a full sized knife would not work - the originals would have been just that - someone toying with a knife!

Have fun, & wear goggles when using the bench grinder!



Likewise with spoons & teaspoons - smaller sized lures & 'spoons' for freshwater fish!

Edited by Roberta
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Hi Toby

I haven't made a full sized knife jig, but have cut lots of knives up to make regular tailor lures from them! I have made one from the actual knife blade & another from the handle. Caught fish from both! Use the grinder to put an angle on the hole you have drilled (keep dunking it in water to cool) - otherwise it is very difficult to get the split rings thru the hole as the handle end is so thick - or the split rings distort.

There is no reason why a full sized knife would not work - the originals would have been just that - someone toying with a knife!

Have fun, & wear goggles when using the bench grinder!



Likewise with spoons & teaspoons - smaller sized lures & 'spoons' for freshwater fish!

Hey Roberta,

Thanks for your reply. Good idea with grinding access to the hole for split ring..

Hopefuly get a chance to test some this weekend and report back with the results..

Worst case atleast the butter will be well spread on the B&E rolls!!!!


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Hi Geoff

Not my finest ones .... they are in a container somewhere amongst my fishing gear!! Can you see how I have tapered the ends on the one nearest the spoons? Also the smaller one to the left. The top one next to the spoon is from the blade - works better if a little bit of the handle is left on it, so it is easier to toss. I have made lots of itsy ones too (top ones awaiting hooks) and have actually hooked a big blackie on a previous one I made!! I was using a small flick stick & it wasn't strong enough to pull it up the rocks & the hook got caught in vegetation on the rock & I lost the lure & the fish! I know where it is tho!!! :)


I added the green prism tape to the bottom one. STainless steel works better than coated cutlery, but is more difficult to drill & grind. Gotta be careful of the drill bit slipping. Usually, I make a groove with the grinding wheel to rough up the surface then start off with a smaller drill bit & work up to the size hole I want!

Dont' get caught knocking off the other half's cutlery! I check out garage sales or junk shops ..... often you can get them for less than 10c an item & get 3 lures from each!



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Hi Roberta

Thanks for the picture of your handy work, they are very impressive.

Just heads up - Dalucius is me, Lyn and Geoff is Mr Dalucius and he uses this avatar post-1141-1207725207_thumb.jpg.

Don't worry you're not the first to be confused by our usernames.

Hoping to make it up your way soon.


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Sorry Lyn ..... in that case, you can use any cutlery you like!! :):) Didn't see the 'mrs' hidden in the D .... just assumed it was Geoff! :wacko: I am the tinkerer in this family :)

Teaspoons make easier lures to make (much thinner handles than knives) but fork handles can be good too. I usually check out the shape of the handles first! Any shaped like the one with the green bit on it is a good shape to go for.

Don't be afraid to try something different .... I have saved s/s rods from busted printers & other items, to chop up & grind at a later date! :)

Good luck - show us what you make ... just make sure you wear goggles when grinding & drilling!



Look forward to catching up when you come thru - we'll be on the move over the next 4-6 weeks, so give us a yell early on to check dates :)

Edited by Roberta
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I reckon Roberta would make THE BEST Survivor contestant EVER!!

You could have the tribe fed,watered and sitting back watching the TV you made out

of a kero tin and some bits of wire you had laying around.

You amaze me with your ingenuity :1prop:



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I cant help you with how to make your own knife jigs but I am interested in your Jiging adventure and giving it a go.

any pointers would be appreciated

Hey David,

IM pretty fresh to jiggin' but what seems to work is: find the fish, drop the jig down to the bottom, and as quickly and aggressively as you can, bring it up to surface.. repeat steps until your hit and hooked.

Its certainly a different experience to live baiting, and you sure feel it in your arms afterwards..

Just found this on you tube..its got great music too..


good luck



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