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Squid Rigging-methods And Effectiveness


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Hi All,

I've caught many kingfish on squid and was just wondering if anyone could explain a few things that seems to be happening atleast once a trip.

Firstly i'll put out our smallest squid as a livie, then a head, guts and strip. The livie never seems to be touched before the other 3 and in the last few outings 90% of hook ups have been on the strip using a 4/0 worm hook. I'm not concerned about which baits they're taking apart from why a nice live tim tam squid is not being touched until it is dead. Yesterday a squid of total length about 15cm was out live with one hook in the top of the mantle, one in the bottom. It died after perhaps 25-30min without a mark left in it. Checked it changed the hook from bottom of mantle into head and put it back down. A few minutes later, one massive short, sharp jolt of the rod by a fish and the squid was gone and not even a run. My question is how does this happen on such a small squid with 2 hooks in it??? The only way i can think of is if a fish came through at tremendous speed swimming on its side and took the squid betweem the 2 hooks, to me this seems silly and unlikely as the rod literally jumped in the holder for less than a second without really even bending. Sorry if this sounds a bit confusing when explained but i just don't know how it happens....

We lost a couple of the bottom hooks on snelled rigs also without seeing any hits/runs, i guess this was just a shark, perhaps an eel biting straight through when having a go at the bait. 60lb Jinkai leader was being used.



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hey josh sounds to me like tailor

the messing trebles we have had the same prob with 80lb leader to the stinger

now we use 20lb wire leader to the stinger

the only prob with this rig is it seems to turn the kings off

in the harbor the tailor are to big for a liveyfor kings but where there is tailor there maybe jew

i tend to go with the flow;eg.i will try to catch what ever is going

yesterday went for flattys ended up fishing for slimmys and super yakkas as that was what was on offer at the time

on the way home lost the tails to plastics from tailor tying for kings at fort deniston

may have to put the stingers on them as well


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Hey Brickman,

Thanks for the info on Friday, we didn't get to the spot though on the night as you will read in the reports. Those slimey's you came across at Quarrantine, did you find em on the sounder in open water or was there some structure near by?

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