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Blackfish Do Eat Plastic!


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I have been a visitor to this forum for sometime now and have found Fishraider to be excellent for tips and entertaining reading.

I will share an experience I had lurIng last Saturday at one of my landbased spots on the Georges River.

First cast .... tap ... bang - I hook-up to nice flattie around 48cm. Put him in the bag. Second cast to same spot a twitch of the rod tip and then BANG ... line runs off at a good speed. After a time I make some ground and to my surprise with a big splash a blackfish comes into view (shock horror) with gulp plastic in his mouth. After another short run which tired him I slid him up to my feet.

I called into my local B&T shop and showed my friend the catch which we popped on the scales - 1.3kg 44 cm long - so goes to show what a surprise you can have flicking the plastics.

Pa Fisho


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Nice to see they do venture outside weed. What was the gulp you were using?

Hi Josh

The gulp I used was the 3" minow in smelt colour as this matched the hatch of poddy mullet that were around at the time. I use gulp most of the time as they work well.


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Hi Josh

The gulp I used was the 3" minow in smelt colour as this matched the hatch of poddy mullet that were around at the time. I use gulp most of the time as they work well.


the smelt is normally a greyish colour isnt it??? it might have looked green underwater and therefore looked like a piece of weed floating by.

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its a nice suprize to catch a fish ,that you dont think will take a plastic about a year or so ago we were trolling lures at the entrance to chippo lakes when we had a double hookup and they turned out to be blackies too,in that instance they took a pair of attack lures

cheers arman

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Yeh i reckon it might have maybe fooled them into looking like weed cos they have such a tiny mouth, it would be pretty hard for them to eat a plastic enough to get hooked, but it obviously can happen, such a reliable fish the blackie.

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well done Pafisho! I have seen them being caught on the Bream FIshing comp dvds but have not done it myself! Mind you, I have caught bream and flathead on weed, so nothing would surprise me!! :)


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Catchin blackies on sp's is surprisingly quite common. They are not a weed only species anyway.

While weed is the 'majority' of thier diet i have caught them on worms, nippers, pipis and fish strips, mainly off the beach after big swell or serious rain....pretty much right about now.

With sp's we have snared em in Botany, Narrabeen, Shoalhaven and Tuggrah. Once is a fluke, twice is a co-incidence and 3 times is a pattern. No different when some fisherman swore by poppers for whiting. 5 years ago you would have thought they had rocks in thier head. Now its a repeatable pattern.

Just need to find the blackfish pattern. Im sure someone will.

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