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Woronora River

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Hit the water this morning for a quick session with ARP1980 at woronora river. Launched at daybreak and after a quick paddle in the yak a 28cm tailor was landed on the troll. Shortly after another nice hit and a 40cm flattie came aboard. trolled around for another hour or so for nothing and decided to call it a day.

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Hey there Yrelax,

I fishe the Wonny on Friday arvo and picked up 2 30cm blackfish on an SX40 as well as a few bream and whiting on crabs and nippers. We had our minds on a jewy and set up one of the heavier outfits with a blackfish fillet but :thumbdown:


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Hey there Yrelax,

I fishe the Wonny on Friday arvo and picked up 2 30cm blackfish on an SX40 as well as a few bream and whiting on crabs and nippers. We had our minds on a jewy and set up one of the heavier outfits with a blackfish fillet but :thumbdown:

We were fishing there last night for an hour or so couple of bites but thats all

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Yeah pretty quiet but a nice place to fish. Didn't know Blackies would hit an SX40?? Is that common on the Woronora Jenno64?

Here's a pic of YRELAX with the flatty today


Edited by ARP1980
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My mate was bait fishing for bream so I thought I might try the lure as he was a bait only man.... cast from the tinny and the blackies were just sitting in an eddy at the front of the boat.....my first blackies on SX40s but these lures seem to nail just about every species :thumbup: Tried poppers over the banks at high tide but no interest....the water seemed to be fairly cool


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