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Sunday's Session

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In the last 6 months i have noticed that more and more people choose Pencils & Poppers over plastics to target Bream,Lizzards and Whiting.Not to say that i am sick of poppers but i thought a change would be nice.On sunday i decided to challenge my self and try and regain my plastic dance moves and get at least one of each on "ONLY" Plastic.

I was alone fishing and had from over 10 million plastics to choose from so i pulled out a packet of squidgy bugs and decided to give them a run. Due to them either being mistaken for a Nipper,Prawn or worm i thought i chose the most sensible lure.

For the first 10 or so minutes i didnt have much response.The spot i am flicking is my usual for where i flick the poppers & pencils it is a very small non-weir estuary that runs from the southern part of Wollongong to Port Kembla Harbour, it holds mangroves and oysters, so the food and the nesting potential is there. In fact its the only naturally occuring estaury not used by the industrial areas around port kembla.

Its does offer great sand flat fishing because it has a delta about 200m wide when it enters the harbour but it cant be fished on low tide.

I scored a really good whiting after 20 minutes of cast and retrieve on the bottom, when i hooked it it actually gave a barrel roll and fouled the line through the gill rake so it fought pretty hard. I was guessing it was a decent Breambo but instead just a concrete pipe in the shape of a whiting!

Over the next hour i did get a few smaller whiting and one big hook up & run but until the tide turned thats all i got.

When the tide turned and the water stared running off the flats i turned to a more erratic technique to get some lizzards. There must of been a few of them because every time my lure run over that same spot i hooked up to a lizzrd.

Unfourtunalty i ran out of water and didnt get any Bream but i did enjoy the afternoon and using "ye ol plastic" again.

Now Back to those poppers.... :1fishing1:






Edited by soft-on
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Well done Softon, for getting those on the squidgy bugs! I have been meaning to give those a go, but keep forgetting! Nice looking fish. The jig head seems quite large - what size? Also what depth are you fishing & is it in current or fairly slow flowing?

Will get some this week! :)

I reckon lots of folk are still using plastics, but I keep forgetting to lodge the reports under lure&fly fishing!! Others probably put their reports in Fishing reports too!



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Well done Softon, for getting those on the squidgy bugs! I have been meaning to give those a go, but keep forgetting! Nice looking fish. The jig head seems quite large - what size? Also what depth are you fishing & is it in current or fairly slow flowing?

Will get some this week! :)

I reckon lots of folk are still using plastics, but I keep forgetting to lodge the reports under lure&fly fishing!! Others probably put their reports in Fishing reports too!



Roberta really unless their is water running from the creek there is only tidal surge.

water depth ranges from 2m to 20cm.

Yeah i use the squidgie bugs on my Bass sometimes. Its amazing how Basic they are and the ribs and eyes must give them added attention.


Edited by soft-on
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Good photos, Cam :thumbup:

There is no doubt that fishing with plastics would produce better results for me this time of year (especially on my preferred species; flathead), but the 'WOW!' factor of surface lures still has me firmly in its grasp :074:

I take a large quantity of assorted bream and flathead plastics on every Saturday outing, but as soon as I get a taker on the surface lure, all thoughts of plastics fishing goes out the window. :1prop:

Good to see the whiting are still hanging around. Rigged on a 90degree hook, those bugs make great surface lures too! :074:


Edited by Hodgey
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Hi Soft-on,

Great report and photos :thumbup: . Even better results. I hope the NSW DPI hasn't spoiled your fun in this little area. Not sure exactly where you were fishing but DPI closed a lot Port Harbour down in 2004. I know that I can no longer fish in a great little estuary near the grain terminal that was an excellent spot for bream at night time :mad3: .

All the best and hope you can have many more trips to your special spot.


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Hey Mate

nice flatties HeHe

these days lure choice is dependent on were the structure is (horizontal or vertical) and what kind it is (weed, oysters, rocks ect)

if i was going out to catch a feed of flatties plastics would definitly be tied on

if bream over a shallow reef then a floating HB would be the go

in serious snaggy country them plastics get a run because of my hip pocket :074:


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