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Richmond (pews Lagoon?)

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Hi All,

Just a short report , took the little ones for a fish on the weekend , we ended up down our local duck pond , I think its called Pews Lagoon , we set up and with in a couple of minutes started getting bites on the kids rods at one stage one of the kids floats was water skiing across the pond with a rather large fish attached , she did her best to land the fish but lost it at her feet undertered she baited up again and bang she was on again , this time landing the fish ( proud dad) as a crowd had gathered to see her fight the fish , we caught 5 fish with in an hour and I called them as being a Carp so I placed them in a bag for the freezer , a couple of hours had past and we were on the way home and the fish in the plastic bag where all still alive , I had a fish tank set up at home without any fish in it and well I ask the little ones if they wanted to keep one as a pet (how dumb am I ) of course they wanted one as a pet , anyhow we have this carp? as a pet now I have attached a photo of the fish as I would welcome comments as to what sort of fish is it , is it a Carp or a Hybrid.



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From the pick it looks like a hybrid crucian as the colour is very light! could well besomething else but only carp can survive a trip in a plastic bag! :1prop:

have to agree here mate, i caught one of these in the nepean some months back. like pulling a sock really and weird looking.

well done to the kids on the fish.

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Double dorsal fin, no visible barbels, deep body ????

I say it ain't a carp, but what is it????

Which pond did it come from. We may be looking at another introduced nightmare, especialy if they don't even put up a good fight.


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Hey raiders gotthis response from Graham of vintage tacklre this morning hes UK based and a wealth of knowledge, hope it helps!

Qoute from Graham of VintageTackle reads - Your mystery fish is certainly a carp hybrid of some sort, probably a goldfish/crucian or goldfish/gibel (see http://www.bristol-aquarists.org.uk/goldfish/info/info.htm ) or even a crucian/common carp (although they would have tiny barbules- but so small that they are difficult to detect). It has a damaged single dorsal fin making it look like 2 dorsals. It shows signs of a fungal infection on the body which could also account for the damage to the fin (fin-rot?), or it may have survived an attack by a predator, or been used as live-bait by another fisherman. These species are very hardy and can survive low oxygen conditions. The pet fish in the photo could be treated with a fungicide (available from a pet shop or aquarist) and it may regenerate much of its fin. They do well in aquariums and will get quite tame if fed "little & often" No other fish should be introduced to the tank until the infection has cleared up.



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Hey Guys and Gals

Thanks for the information , the mystery fish is making a record recovery from the fungel infection , it has turned a very bronze colour like a bass , looks good in the tank and has adapted to captivity well.

A mate of mine was down there on Monday and he caught another two which have ended up in his freezer for crab bait.



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