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Windy Sydney Harbour 17/05/08


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Some of you may have been reading about my efforts to land a Jewie.

With Saturday night being a few days before the full moon, a high tide coinciding with just after sunset, I thought it would be a great chance for me to bag my first jew...... except.... no one could predict the wind!!!

I hit the wharf around 4pm....

Jumped straight in with the handline to get some live yakkas... Unfortunately, there was hardly any baitfish around so it wasn't until around 5:30 till I got my first like yakka (as bait) in the water.

It was blowing a gale and I could barely cast out 10 metres!

The wind just got stronger and stronger, and even my mate went home at 8pm cos it was too cold. But I persevered... I was determined to catch that elusive Jew.

At about 9pm the other guy who was fishing on the wharf packed up as well; but before he left, he gave me his leftover squid that he had caught there the week before. That bait went straight on my hook and cast out.. the wind had died down a bit now, but was still quite strong.. I could perhaps cast 12 metres out this time :1prop:

I sat back and waited.

and waited.

and waited.

At around 9:30pm something showed interest in the squid bait... the baitrunner clicked over ever so slowly along with a few dips of the rod tip. I left it... about 2 minutes later, the rod bent over and the baitrunner clicked as the fish took a run. I lifted, set the hook and felt the weight of a sizeable fish...

"I'M ON!" I shouted to the missus... who immediately ran to grab the net.

My heart was racing with excitement... all I could think was "is this the one? finally?!"

I could feel the weight and the pulsating headshakes of the fish through the line..

After about 5 seconds (which felt like an age), the weight was gone, and the pulsation stopped... my heart sank.. the fish had spat the hooks.... either that, or the fish was only lipped hooked and the hooks pulled.. My snelled 6/0s came back with no fish on the end :(

I inspected the line above the top hook, and it was slightly scratched..

The missus could feel my dissapointment... oh well :05:

But within 5 mins; I heard the beautiful sound of the baitrunner clicking on my other rod (baited with a live yakka)... the clicking signaled that something had taken the bait and went on a short run.

The clicking stopped, but the rod tip still had a bend in it... "strange" I thought... so I left it...

after another 5 mins the rod tip bent further and the fish went on a run... I set the hooks and felt something heavy on the end.. but it was a dead weight...

I wound it in and there was a 6kg Port Jackson on it... not suprising really.. since it felt like a wet rag! :thumbdown:

So that was my excitement for the night... the rest of the night was uneventful and I was plagued by pickers.

Close.... but no cigar... the first one, I think, coulda been my first Jewie.

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Kit it sounds like you were there at the perfect time. The conditions change a little & then bang, Jew comes along.

I hate to add to your misery but from what you`ve described it was a Jew for sure. The way it picked up the bait makes it sound like a good one too..... :ranting2:

Keep at it mate. You are doing everything right & your persistence will pay off.

At least you got a run. That is the hardest part when starting out jew fishing I reckon.

Keep catching your own bait & fishing the moons & tides & it will happen. :thumbup:



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Kit it sounds like you were there at the perfect time. The conditions change a little & then bang, Jew comes along.

I hate to add to your misery but from what you`ve described it was a Jew for sure. The way it picked up the bait makes it sound like a good one too..... :ranting2:

Keep at it mate. You are doing everything right & your persistence will pay off.

At least you got a run. That is the hardest part when starting out jew fishing I reckon.

Keep catching your own bait & fishing the moons & tides & it will happen. :thumbup:



Hi Grant,

Would 6/0s be too small and have contributed to my spat hooks?

The hooks were suicide and were either Mustad or Penn (can't quite remember). But they were much smaller than my 6/0 black magic hooks. (the black magic 6/0 are only a little bit smaller than gamakatsu 8/0's)

And can you explain more about when you said how the fish took the bait, it sounds like a good fish?

Both rods got hit in quick succession not long after the wind died down.

What annoyed me the most was that I had to cut the hooks after pulling up the port jackson. That meant both my rods were out of the water while I re-rigged.... :(

It was a good 10 minutes before I could get both back in the water; by then it was probably too late :(

I'll be back to try again tho! after all these years, not about to give up now! :1fishing1:


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Braidbuster, In that case, its just pure bad luck then (as usual), as I only use Chemical sharpened hooks.

Benzeenees, the missus fishes as well, but she has a light outfit that she catches bream on.. She's also good at catching yakkas for me to use as bait :)

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Braidbuster, In that case, its just pure bad luck then (as usual), as I only use Chemical sharpened hooks.

Kit I think you should try adjusting a near locked up drag and get it just right to set the hooks without touching the rod ay, and see how you go with these spit outs then ay? Jewfish have a pull the weight free habit, don't worry about that.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Good effort my friend.

Havent been fishing with you for ages.

Let me know when you go again, I'll join you.

Hey mate, Haven't seen you in ages!

yeah for sure.. we'll go fishing again.. I no longer live in the area though.

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Kit I think you should try adjusting a near locked up drag and get it just right to set the hooks without touching the rod ay, and see how you go with these spit outs then ay? Jewfish have a pull the weight free habit, don't worry about that.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:


I set the drag very tight.. so tight that I often cut my little finger when I'm testing the drag with my hand.

I use the bait runner function on the tightest setting though, but that is only because I can't find a way of securing my rod on the wharf. I don't want to have my rod pulled over the side by a fish!

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Hi Grant,

Would 6/0s be too small and have contributed to my spat hooks?

The hooks were suicide and were either Mustad or Penn (can't quite remember). But they were much smaller than my 6/0 black magic hooks. (the black magic 6/0 are only a little bit smaller than gamakatsu 8/0's)

And can you explain more about when you said how the fish took the bait, it sounds like a good fish?

Both rods got hit in quick succession not long after the wind died down.

What annoyed me the most was that I had to cut the hooks after pulling up the port jackson. That meant both my rods were out of the water while I re-rigged.... :(

It was a good 10 minutes before I could get both back in the water; by then it was probably too late :(

I'll be back to try again tho! after all these years, not about to give up now! :1fishing1:


No probs mate.

Your hooks sound fine although I do like the Gammy octopus hooks myself. 6/0`s are fine as are 8/0`s.

When a schoolie hits your rod will bounce once or twice & then scream off. If fishing in baitrunner mode it`s best to jump straight on your rod when you see it bump & put it into gear. Point your rod at the fish & when it pulls up tight hit it hard.

When a big fish hits it tends to be in no hurry & moves off slowly with the bait. They will often drop it but come back a minute or two later. After that first slow run if it drops the bait I strip 3-4 mtrs of line off the reel & put it into gear. When it pulls tight do the same as described above.

When you hit them make sure it`s hard. They have bony bloody bucket mouths & you have to get that barb home.

Keep at it mate. Hope this helps.



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No probs mate.

Your hooks sound fine although I do like the Gammy octopus hooks myself. 6/0`s are fine as are 8/0`s.

When a schoolie hits your rod will bounce once or twice & then scream off. If fishing in baitrunner mode it`s best to jump straight on your rod when you see it bump & put it into gear. Point your rod at the fish & when it pulls up tight hit it hard.

When a big fish hits it tends to be in no hurry & moves off slowly with the bait. They will often drop it but come back a minute or two later. After that first slow run if it drops the bait I strip 3-4 mtrs of line off the reel & put it into gear. When it pulls tight do the same as described above.

When you hit them make sure it`s hard. They have bony bloody bucket mouths & you have to get that barb home.

Keep at it mate. Hope this helps.



I have to agree with you about the schoolies. I watched my mate catch one and the fish didn't muck around, just came up and grabbed the livie and took off. If I wasn't standing next to the rod, it would have gone into the drink.

Thanks again for your advice mate, I'm definately gonna take that on board.


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Kit it sounds like you were there at the perfect time. The conditions change a little & then bang, Jew comes along.

.......Keep at it mate. You are doing everything right & your persistence will pay off.

At least you got a run. That is the hardest part when starting out jew fishing I reckon.

Keep catching your own bait & fishing the moons & tides & it will happen. :thumbup:





I set the drag very tight.. so tight that I often cut my little finger when I'm testing the drag with my hand.

I use the bait runner function on the tightest setting though, but that is only because I can't find a way of securing my rod on the wharf.

.......I don't want to have my rod pulled over the side by a fish!......................................................................................................................................................

No probs mate.

Your hooks sound fine ......If fishing in baitrunner mode it`s best to jump straight on your rod when you see it bump & put it into gear. Point your rod at the fish & when it pulls up tight hit it hard.

When a big fish hits it tends to be in no hurry & moves off slowly with the bait. They will often drop it but come back a minute or two later..

When you hit them make sure it`s hard. They have bony bloody bucket mouths & you have to get that barb home.

Keep at it mate. Hope this helps.

Cheers, Grant.


Quote Kit....... the fish didn't muck around, just came up and grabbed the livie and took off. If I wasn't standing next to the rod, it would have gone into the drink.


Hi Kit.

Chris, Jewfish advice doesn't get much better than the advice given by Jewhunter.

In the meantime I have included a pic of one of my wharf and jetty rod holders. I had six made to specs in s/s steel a long time ago so I can continue to use tight drag when I'm fishing wharfs and jetties on all my baits except for larger livies which the jew grip onto from underneath, swim away and pause to turn the livie around for the head take. In this case I use just enough drag to have the big livie struggling in short bursts to pull out a few metres of line.

My wharf and jetty rod holders are slide adjusting and are designed to go down into cracks, turned around and tightened right in using a thumb knob. They also adapt to jetty rails and poles and are very useful and a must own when fishing for any species on baits on wharfs, jetties and pontoons etc, using tight drag to hook up solid with the natural bend and recoil of the rod memory without having the worry of losing a rod.I can also let the rod bend away and take a little line on the drag. If it's a big fish, strong enough to pull the rod hard and turn the tight drag, there's no need to hurry if using strong, appropriate gear. The fish will only set the hooks more solid and tire itself out, while I'm getting ready to attend to the rod especially if I'm doing something else like fishing for squid or livies or playing a fish on another rod at the same time


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I'm not quite sure I understand how your rod holders work.... how do you secure them to the wharf?


Chris they go down gaps or the cracks between wharf timbers and the slide in the pic can be moved up or down and tightened with a lever on a thread that works like a thumb screw or wing nut. I use a gadget in the links of a chain which pull them in tight to a rail, or an upright etc.and adju st them so that they can't slip forward.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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