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What Are All The Fishraiders Getting Up To This Weekend?


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What are all the fishraiders getting up to this weekend?

the 7th,8th,9th June 2008

I will be doing some work up the coast

Remember log into coast gaurd if going outside and have all your safety gear

as a fish isn,t worth your life.

What ever you end up doing, BE SAFE.

And take care on the Roads and waterways.

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:yahoo: Deno back from his charter, so it looks like a weekend of chasing flatties! It's been two weeks since I've hit the water, so I'm super keen :yahoo:

Good luck to those Raiders participating in the Tuna Day on the weekend :thumbup:


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Just finished exams so have 5 days off!!

Hoping to have a fish at some point provided the weather improves.

Also refereeing rugby jnr state champs

I am not going fishing but playing rugby.

I am playing the State champs for Gordon U 12's.

And thats all over the weekend and monday.


You two need to get together and make a fishraider deal.

I'm with Stewey the weather gods are not happy so with an RDO on tuesday I will be sacrificing to said gods all weekend and maybe pull a Monday night allnighter in the Bay.

In between I might find out what it's like to clean a boat. I hear some people do it often but I'm one of them.


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Hoping to get out Saturday/Sunday and chase some fresh bait in hawhesbury/cowan, and maybe throw a few livies out while i'm out there...

hopefully convert the rest of the bait into a Jew at the beach on Sunday Night... if the Jews don't show up, hope to get into some of the big bream hanging around in the gutters at the moment... :1fishing1:

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Hoping to get out Saturday/Sunday and chase some fresh bait in hawhesbury/cowan, and maybe throw a few livies out while i'm out there...

hopefully convert the rest of the bait into a Jew at the beach on Sunday Night... if the Jews don't show up, hope to get into some of the big bream hanging around in the gutters at the moment... :1fishing1:

I was going to do the same thing last night and opted to go to work :(

I dont think there will be many beaches left :1yikes:

Cheers Stewy

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Camping at Smiths Lake again (just south of Foster). Taking 4 days off. Althougth the weather is a bit dodgy as long as it isnt forecast to rain too much it should be OK. Especially as fishing in the lake is a 2 min walk from the camp site :thumbup: Hope the fish havent shut down for the winter yet.

Lots of wood for the fire and red wine will see us through no matter what the weather.

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I'll be hitting the south coast and fishing every day rain hail or shine i dont care ive just gotta get some new gear in the water to try it out :tease:

Where down the coast you going ???

Couple of mates are down Narooma this week they are doing well in the lake think all the fish are to scared to go out the bar lol

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Im also heading south. meant 2 have a comp out of bendalong.. but the way this weather is i think i better practice my card playing and beer drinking coz the 4cast isnt looking 2 gr8 all weekend!

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This weekend I'll be laying down till the thought goes away :( For workers Tuesday would be crying time because at this stage it looks like Tuesday will be the best day for fishing places like the Watts reef, Burrenjoey and Watson Bay side given the rain and the early AM wind change to N/E. A before sun up session till 2pm fits the bill nicely with slight seas and the right wind change for those locations. Hopefully I'll be fishing all of the morning run in tide and with the new water coming in, close to the mouth should produce.

Are there any others thinking of fishing on Tuesday ?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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mmmmmmmm chocky milk coming out off the hawks.if the gaffer is on the money and i think he is

i'll be fishing the chocky milk line out the front off the joey this does'nt happen that often and the last time i saw it i was land based and i caught a tailor with ever pilly[i had a block] big treves on floaters jew and sharks on slabs off tailor

now i'm all pumped gary

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This weekend I'll be laying down till the thought goes away :( For workers Tuesday would be crying time because at this stage it looks like Tuesday will be the best day for fishing places like the Watts reef, Burrenjoey and Watson Bay side given the rain and the early AM wind change to N/E. A before sun up session till 2pm fits the bill nicely with slight seas and the right wind change for those locations. Hopefully I'll be fishing all of the morning run in tide and with the new water coming in, close to the mouth should produce.

Are there any others thinking of fishing on Tuesday ?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

i am as i have an rdo tuesday.not to sure where to go as im restricted to land base.u think the georges river up lugarno way or cc bridge is worth a go

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This weekend I'll be laying down till the thought goes away :( For workers Tuesday would be crying time because at this stage it looks like Tuesday will be the best day for fishing places like the Watts reef, Burrenjoey and Watson Bay side given the rain and the early AM wind change to N/E. A before sun up session till 2pm fits the bill nicely with slight seas and the right wind change for those locations. Hopefully I'll be fishing all of the morning run in tide and with the new water coming in, close to the mouth should produce.

Are there any others thinking of fishing on Tuesday ?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Any good Union member that works in construction has Tuesday off. If you dont then PM me and I will tell you what you should do.

i am as i have an rdo tuesday.not to sure where to go as im restricted to land base.u think the georges river up lugarno way or cc bridge is worth a go

I think with this rain you might want to go further east than Lugarno. with the big tides and the rain there will be a fair bit of dirt in the water up that way. Try CC bridge or even get around to bare island over at La Perouse.


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