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What Is A 'bump'?


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Scuse my ignorance but would someone please explain to this poor old technophobe what the :bump0ee: or word 'bump' means in a post?

I know you'll think I'm dumb but I was born in an age when man had only just reached the moon, music came only on black plastic circles, men had long hair on their heads and women below the waist, and computers were still enormous things that occupied a whole room in order to do nothing much more complicated than add up a restaurant bill....... heeeelp!

Cheers, Slinky

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Bump gets your post into the current unread posts .

Ie back to top of list so it gets noticed and appears as a fresh post. Same as retyping post and reposting just easier

Edited by swordfisherman
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Scuse my ignorance but would someone please explain to this poor old technophobe what the :bump0ee: or word 'bump' means in a post?

I know you'll think I'm dumb but I was born in an age when man had only just reached the moon, music came only on black plastic circles, men had long hair on their heads and women below the waist, and computers were still enormous things that occupied a whole room in order to do nothing much more complicated than add up a restaurant bill....... heeeelp!

Cheers, Slinky

Aren't they those things that happen in the night? :074:

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Slinky Maybe from Confuscious and Associates A collision course where smart morons sell products aimed only at dumber morons :lol:

Total rejection is probably a better result for some than total nocturnal indigestion.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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