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The Poon Hole 5 - 29/1/05

Ken A

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After a week of strong SE winds & rain it cleared today so I had another dash at the tarpon.

There wasn't quite as many fish tonight but I got about 7 decent hits & a few bumps on a popper & managed to land 3 tarpon & 2 small Bass. The Bass were about 25cm & the best Tarpon was 31cm (pic below) . The mozzies weren't as bad tonight as on previous nights thank christ :biggrin2:

As it got dark I heard all these rustling sounds in the grass & bush around me so I turned on my headlamp & there Cane Toads everywhere (amphibian type toads that is) so I found a handy chunk of wood & on my walk back to the road managed to take out 16 of the ugly bastards before my trusty weapon broke :1prop:

All up it was pretty good way to spend an hour or so. Knock off a few tarpon & some toads :biggrin2:

Hookem Herby looks like coming down there tomorrow night for a dash. At least it will split the Mozzies up :thumbup:


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on my walk back to the road manged to take out 16 of the ugly bastards before my trusty weapon broke  :1prop:


Didn't realise you had that many Lebs out there Ken! :risata::risata:

Good going on the Poons by the way. :thumbup:

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Are those red bug eyes on the popper

Ken its just a standard R2Sea Bubble pop. Its upside down in the pic thats all.

I'll get a few pics of the spot & hopefully some of Mozzie bait eerrr I mean Herby getting onto a poon or 2 today

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Great :1fishing1: Ken! :thumbup:

I'm about to jump into the RID bath for my 6 hour soak before I meet you this arvo. :biggrin2::1tongue:

The trevally hunt didn't quite go to plan last night. Had trouble getting herring with the cast net at the usual spot - all that rain & fresh water seems to have scattered them a bit. So, with only 8 livies in the tank, the mission commenced just on dark.

Dad pulled the hooks on a good fish early on, I got smoked by a biggun 10 min later and the my last 2 live baits fell to a couple of decent bream (both 34cm) but not the trevor I was looking for. :05:

Anyway, was still good to get the boat out, have a beer and a fish with the old bugger and get him a feed, all in a few hours on a barmy Saturday afternoon at Mooloolaba. :thumbup:

Poon hole here I come! See ya this arvo mate.


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I'm ready for both the Toads & the Mozzies mate. I have been internet shopping & bought some army surplus "repellant" that may do the job.

Here is a picture of me at the Poon Hole set up for anti toad & anti mozzie defense :biggrin2:


A couple more belts wouldn't go astray for after dark mate :thumbup:

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We bombed out completely. A couple guys had been flogging the place for an hour before we arrived & it seemed to have mucked it up. Fished through till dark among clouds of Mozzies & never had a single strike. Only the very odd swirl on the surface.

It wasn't good but how often does that happen? Your going great at a spot & take someone else there & you bomb out completely. Only saw 4 toads as well :thumbdown:

I'll give it a dash tonite & see what happens.

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Guest bluecod

Interesting for a place to be firing pretty well and then a couple of consecutive zips.

Discoloured water? Barometric pressure?

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I agree 100% Bluecod. I feel its the barometric pressure that has done it myself. When it was firing well it was up around 1018 -1020 & pretty steady during the day with a small drop in the afternoon when storms start to form. The fish were going well then. There was also plenty of surface activity.

When we struck out the pressure had dropped away to 1002 -1006 & has been hanging around that mark ever since. No hits at all & no sign of any surface activity.

Soon as the barometer climbs I'll head back there & see what results I get.

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Guest bluecod


I suspected that may have been the case and the line of thought that follows probably doesn't need to hijack your post.

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