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Drummer Time


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No seriously, show us the real photo before it was photochopped :biggrin2:

I see Diver has stuck his foot fair in your ass :074: ye of little faith.

Great fish Diver :yahoo:

Cheers Stewy

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I see Diver has stuck his foot fair in your ass :074: ye of little faith.

they'll be no talk of anyones foot in anyone ass......

top fish......drummer fight much?

Edited by catch-22
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G'day Diver, that is a big pig, looks like some serious hardware as well , there have been a couple of blokes around the rocks at Avoca doing the bread thing, I've seen a couple of small models come in but nothing like your biggen' Congrats...

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im prety sure it was 30 pound platinum line but ive just down graded to 20 pound

(not sure how ill go) its a custom made rod 4 drumer and groper off the rocks. very strong!!

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That is one serious fish indeed.

Are they related to Luderick?

What bait were You using - cunje, crabs?

How do they taste? - compare them to what other fish.

Again, one hell of a thumper fish - great effort, congratulations.

Do you typically target them as a species?

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