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2 Flatties And 2 Tailor Plus Mixed Bag - On Hb's


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I politely coerced a mate :bash: to take me out on his boat and give me some fishing tips.

We launched from The Spit on the Gold Coast and made our way to Crab Island. A 6am start and damn it was cold! :frozen:

My mate's gone to HB's lately, so I joined in. Hitting the edges of the sand banks where the weed meets the deeper water. And what a spot too!

But no-one told me about these damn things called Pike


By the end of the day, Pike were at the top of my P155ED off list! :mad3:

With patience and a bunch more casts, we were getting into some bream and an undersized flattie


With nothing to write home about, I was starting to give my new mate a real ribbing! Giving him heaps about all the 'stories' he'd been telling.

But, true to form, he found the bait fish and ... OHMYGOSH !!





And ZING baby!! (Yes, it's a different tailor)


A great day. And big cheers to my mate Reevo!! You've certainly proven yourself. :1worthy:

At close of business, just short of midday, my total was 5 pike (YUK!!), 8 bream, 2 flatties and 2 tailor.

Reevo did better than that!! But needless to say that this was certainly a day I'll remember and a great motivation to keep on fishing.

How awesome. :1punk:


** If fishing was easy ... It'd just be called 'catching' ! **

Edited by Adz
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Well done once again Adz. :biggrinthumb:

Considering you have only recently jumped into the fishing world 'boots and all', you are going great guns! Terrific to see that you were dabbling in HB's as well. That will hold you in good stead in the future. ;)

The pike may be a nuisance, but you now have another species to add to your 'Fish I Have Caught' list :thumbup: 8 bream on lure is damned impressive, mate. I hope you continue to develop your newly enjoyed skills, and look forward to some super reports in the future!


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Great report Adz. Well done on the good fish. The pike can be a blessing too... next time you get one, pin a big hook through it and send it back out as a live bait. They're excellent for jew, cobia, kings, big snapper, trevally etc (depending on where about's you're fishing of course). Remember where you got them because you've now got a live bait ground for when you need them.

Cheers, Slinky

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Great work Adz!!!!

Gotta love those poppers.....

I think us Sydney boys and south are very jealous you'll be able to throw them all year round up there....

Re Pinning Pike on a livie hook or circle, I'd probably just pin them through the bottom jaw and pop out through the top jaw....

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Great work Adz!!!!

Gotta love those poppers.....

I think us Sydney boys and south are very jealous you'll be able to throw them all year round up there....

Re Pinning Pike on a livie hook or circle, I'd probably just pin them through the bottom jaw and pop out through the top jaw....

pike are a great bait! and yes they smell about as fishy as a fish can smell.

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