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Giving Away Spots


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Maybe them tightass's would have gotten the spot x location if they offered CASH instead of insaults! :074:

What do you recons fair, they go get 1 snapper of 7kgs, at say $15/kg = $100+fun of hooking one that big!

Life time of good fishing, priceless.........

You go with a charter operator, $900-1600 a day........

So what do you think is a fair price for a spot X ????


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Secret Spots are no different to any other secret you have … generally they are only shared with your very closest and respected confidantes. Most of you know where I fish/live. It is a small system that is designated as a Recreational Fishing Haven … hence the fabulous conditions. However, it features prominently in fishing magazines and cops an absolute hammering in the warmer months. I guess my ‘secret’s’ out? :(

Like most Raiders, I get a real kick out of discovering new places for myself. Sometimes, your new ‘secret spot’ is a mere lure color/change away ;) . The one instance where I would appreciate GENERAL advice on location would be for an area that I have never fished before. Stick me in an estuary, and I’ll have a stab at where/when/how to fish it, but take me out on the harbour chasing Kingies …. and I’m only useful as an entertaining anchor-retrieval system :biggrin2:

By all means; share your fishing tips and advice generously. That’s what being an active member of our forum is all about IMO. However, your special spots are your own and no-one should begrudge you that privilege. YOU chose (very carefully) who YOU would like to share them with!


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I hate people asking me about my spots! I fish the rocks and i fish them in anything from calm to dangerous conditions depending on my target species. I do have some experience though and pretty well know what i'm doing there.

What gets me is that i put in a lot of effort as a lot of you guys do to get the fish. I found most of my spot x's by sounding around in my old baot, getting out the gregory's and my shoes and walking and walking and climbing around to find a spot. Even if all i heard a smidgen about from some old timer etc about a spoit that used ot be good in 1965.

Now i just invested $50 or MORE in fuel, 6hrs walking around to find maybe one spot. Now i'm going to draw somebody a map? YEAH RIGHT!

What also gets me is that somebody thinks that all they need is the spot anyway and majically fish will throw themselves on the hook, not fight and jump on land for them! YEAH thats how all the 30kg Jew and Kings get caught, people throw in smelly black prawns on 6lb handlines and low and behold a Snapper majically appears in the esky.

I also beleive heavily in people serving an aprenticeship so to speak and learning the basics. I mean i see it on the rocks all the time. People rock up to live bait cause they heard it works well but they have no idea on how to even catch a bream or a flattie or even a yakka. Yet they want to chase Big Kingies and Marlin with ***** combo's! I'm not saying it's not possible to do that by the way, just highly unlikely and i'm sure that a lot of us that come back with regular catches know that you MAKE your OWN luck in fishing by having the right tools for the job and being there at the right time!

Anyway thats my rant. Honestly mate its your spot, tell these guys where to go! Actually give them this address, guaranteed catch Bank St (cnr Pyrmont Bridge Road).

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Anyway thats my rant. Honestly mate its your spot, tell these guys where to go! Actually give them this address, guaranteed catch Bank St (cnr Pyrmont Bridge Road).

Can you get me the google map for that great spot as I am unfamiliar with it and want to know if you use rubber or bait there :074:

Cheers Stewy

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Can you get me the google map for that great spot as I am unfamiliar with it and want to know if you use rubber or bait there :074:

Cheers Stewy

he's a rock fisho .. if he tells you, he will have to kill you ...

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he's a rock fisho .. if he tells you, he will have to kill you ...

Rock ,beach,estuary,offshore and freshwater its just all water to me and there are always fish somewhere.

I gauge myself on being able to adapt to any spot and give myself a fair shot at catching whatever is around at a certain time of year.

Secret spots are nothing to me and if you keep going to the same secret spot you will end up fishing it out anyway :1yikes:

Thats my two cents worth.

Cheers Stewy

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Rock ,beach,estuary,offshore and freshwater its just all water to me and there are always fish somewhere.

I gauge myself on being able to adapt to any spot and give myself a fair shot at catching whatever is around at a certain time of year.

Secret spots are nothing to me and if you keep going to the same secret spot you will end up fishing it out anyway :1yikes:

Thats my two cents worth.

Cheers Stewy


Thats why i have a few different secret spots. Can't give away my bream holes, thats what gets me the brownie points to dissapear for days on end to persue LBG.

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personally i really dont believe in any of that secret spot crap... really i think it doesnt matter if your in the best spot ever....if you dont know/understand how to fish that spot chances are it will not produce then its just a normal fish spot. take one of my fav spots peat island....i fish there and very consistantly get decent flattys their....where as i see many people try there and get nothing at all....it all comes with experiance of a spot i have spent goodness knows how many hours there trying to work it out and that is one tiny spot.!.. just my 2 cents though.

cheers flatty hunter

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The problem is, myself only fishing the rocks as well, is that some of these spots dont have enough room for a lot of people. Some involve you casting certain angles to get to the area of reef you want etc, so if you tell someone the spot or someone says its firing, then on your next trip its full of other people (alot without the same courtesy you have) and you are stuffed as they cant cast, just bottom bash at a spot thats really only good for spinning. One spot I fish is literally less than 10ft long, and probably 6 ft wide. But get the right cast in the right direction when the kings are on and you will hook up(as long as you pick the right conditions). Get more than 5 people on it and its not fun.

Secret spots in sydney - well realistically , there probably arent really any..its knowing when to be there that counts.

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I rekon if you want to tell us where you caught the fish thats awsome! Telling the body of water, or part of the harbour (ie Middle harbour, main harbour etc) is almost equally as good because it lets us know what fish are around and a rough indication of where to target them. If someone catches a fish in Middle harbour then there is a fair chance you will be able to do the same fishing anywhere in that area if you use fresh baits and light tackle...

On the other hand, if you want to keep your spots secret that is also fine. It shits me to tears all the people whinging about giving up spots. Spend a few days on the water exploring yourself and it makes the catch so much better. Dont hassle the blokes that put up reports of great catches about releasing the spots they fish. The amount of work that would have gone into sussing out those north coast snapper is amazing, and the tips he has given in the report are awsome and saves people that want to give them a go weeks of trying different things.

Blocking out photos is VERY annoying though!

thats my 2 bob.


My name is GREG from D and G to those of you who know me you will know I rarely post a report. Reason to avoid the above. Now be honest and think about it.??? There is NO such thing as spot X. the term is a form of communication. TRUE???.

GREG from D and G.

Edited by Dan and Greg
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The way that I look at it is this, if you put a "general" location, you are not going to get hassled by 100 people asking you where you caught it.

Therefore, if you said you caught it off Wollongong, or off Sydney, or off Port Stephens, Sydney Harbour, or Middle harbour, etc etc, you are not going to get many people hassling you for more info.

That is why I beleive all posts should have a "General" location.

The big snapper that Andy Z caught, I asked where he caught it, not that I want to know the exact location, but I just want to know what part of the country it came from. It may have been from big snapper locations like Pt Phillip Bay, SA or NZ which means it is a good fish - but if it was off NSW or even more surprising Sydney, the fish becomes even more exceptional. It also means, maybe one day, I can catch one too.

Because people do not post "General" locations, they are inviting hundreds of people to hassle them about where it was caught, what bait, water depth, etc.

Andy Z's fish, to me is a once in a lifetime fish, and if he lived to 120, he probably wouldn't catch one bigger. However, if it was taken in an area where fish stocks aren't depleted like NZ, Lord Howe Island, etc he might be able to catch another one bigger next week.

If you don't want to be hassled, add a "General" location, add the bait, and whether it was in close or out wide and maybe the water depth and this will stop everyone asking these questions. Read all the posts with exceptional fish in them, and I can guarantee these questions are all asked, unless it is put in the report.

People are curious and they want the details of the story, not just the picture. The majority do not want a GPS mark, they just want a locality - of which there may be hundreds of reefs or lots of square miles.

If you are married :wife: you will understand.

If I tell her I ran into so & so today, she gives me the 3rd degree and then wonders why I didn't ask all these questions. If someone has a baby, I just about have to carry a list of questions to ask, and then there will still be a dozen that I missed out on.

That's my 0.02c worth - again !!!



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I find the fishing reports is a good tool for finding out what is biting at the moment. If in the report people say that these fish were caught in the bay or in the harbour then at least it gives an idea of what is biting. Currently i cant find on the net any website that provides a regular update of what is biting and in which system, and the fishing reports section provides this medium for this flow of information.

I try to provide information on my catch when i can on fishing reports (not exact locations though, just the river system) and it would be good to have this information from others.


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The way that I look at it is this, if you put a "general" location, you are not going to get hassled by 100 people asking you where you caught it.

Therefore, if you said you caught it off Wollongong, or off Sydney, or off Port Stephens, Sydney Harbour, or Middle harbour, etc etc, you are not going to get many people hassling you for more info.

That is why I beleive all posts should have a "General" location.

I agree with what you are saying Greg. People don't what to know the where abouts you caught the fish, they just want to know like the general location that , that fish was caught.

When people see others catching fish that are of decent size they get excited and want to catch them too, thats why the ask the question thats in their head at the moment " WHERE DID YOU CATCH THAT FISH".

Anyway thats my 50c worth of input.

Cheers LALA

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On the money Caranx, ever had someone come in the middle of a top wash thats full of luderick and might have 4 or 5 guys working it and next thing you got 2lb lead anchored in the middle of the drift! Thats why i steer clear of place like Avoca! i'll go fish somewhere that involvesa hike and aclimb and its not just about easy access for instance the Mattens or the Gap! Some spots you don't give up!

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On the money Caranx, ever had someone come in the middle of a top wash thats full of luderick and might have 4 or 5 guys working it and next thing you got 2lb lead anchored in the middle of the drift!

2lb of lead....at least that kind of sits stable .....worse is the numerous floats and pillies chucked out,and then the rod left jammed in a crevice and the owner goes and sits back and watches from a distance.....thats why I dont give specific spots. I will give general hints though. Everyone is entitled to fish, but its also courtesy to not stuff someone else up that made an effort to get there early rather than rock up at executive hours and trying to move into the prime spot...

Avoca-aargh, good on weekdays with crappy weather, awful on weekends with good weather. Nothing like getting a spot, landing a fish, walking back to unhook it and place it in a pool and have people run to where you were standing and start casting from there, or cast from 20m away diagonally to where you hooked up....thats why the spots I fish involve a somewhat more challenging walk/climb in.

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2lb of lead....at least that kind of sits stable .....worse is the numerous floats and pillies chucked out,and then the rod left jammed in a crevice and the owner goes and sits back and watches from a distance.....thats why I dont give specific spots. I will give general hints though. Everyone is entitled to fish, but its also courtesy to not stuff someone else up that made an effort to get there early rather than rock up at executive hours and trying to move into the prime spot...

Avoca-aargh, good on weekdays with crappy weather, awful on weekends with good weather. Nothing like getting a spot, landing a fish, walking back to unhook it and place it in a pool and have people run to where you were standing and start casting from there, or cast from 20m away diagonally to where you hooked up....thats why the spots I fish involve a somewhat more challenging walk/climb in.

my thoughts exactly....it p*sses me off to no end when i catch a fish and then a whole group of morons start casting in my direction. worse still when the line gets tangled and then you have to spend precious fishing time untangling your line! some people just have no respect.

best part of secret spots....its just you and your mates. and thats the way you'd want to keep it! no need to be courteous to anyone, do as you please, no need to constantly watch out for people moving into the indent your shoes made in the grass, the list goes on

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G'day Nightstalker,

Your spots are just that.... your spots. You put in the effort to work them out and you have every right to be secretive about them. Anyone who gives you a hard time about not divulging them us just plain lazy and ignorant.

I made the mistake of posting a few pics at one stage of some harbour kings that stupidly showed background landmarks. The couple of times I fished the spot before the post there were only ever 1 or 2 people fishing the spot, the following weekend there were about a dozen.

I don't mind sharing info to a point in public but my thinking is to guide people on the path, don't take them to the destination. If they don't enjoy the journey, they're not the kind of fishos I want to share water with anyway. I sometimes give away marks to raider friends, but that often becomes a 'sharing' thing anyway. The more information people share with me, the more I'm happy to return the favour... but I'd only ever give a special mark to someone I knew wasn't going to abuse the knowledge.

Mate... stick to your guns.

Cheers, Slinky


cheers arman

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Andy Z's fish, to me is a once in a lifetime fish, and if he lived to 120, he probably wouldn't catch one bigger. However, if it was taken in an area where fish stocks aren't depleted like NZ, Lord Howe Island, etc he might be able to catch another one bigger next week.

If you don't want to be hassled, add a "General" location, add the bait, and whether it was in close or out wide and maybe the water depth and this will stop everyone asking these questions. Read all the posts with exceptional fish in them, and I can guarantee these questions are all asked, unless it is put in the report.

People are curious and they want the details of the story, not just the picture. The majority do not want a GPS mark, they just want a locality - of which there may be hundreds of reefs or lots of square miles.

If you are married :wife: you will understand.

If I tell her I ran into so & so today, she gives me the 3rd degree and then wonders why I didn't ask all these questions. If someone has a baby, I just about have to carry a list of questions to ask, and then there will still be a dozen that I missed out on.

That's my 0.02c worth - again !!!



I have spoken at length in my report and subsequent replies about depth, time of day and so on and stick by the fact that this is a system that works on the north coast - and the south coast too by the way. Thus, the exact location doesnt really have any bearing on people learning about the system. Yes, there are miles of reef but as i have said - if boats are in town the same time as you and see you with fish every day then they follow you - not to the general location but 50m away - often in your berley trail that they motor up an hour after you started laying it. With most action 40min - 2 hours after you start berleying, this is annoying but on the other hand i encourage anyone keen on reds to ask questions - i'm no expert but can share some mistakes we have made and lessons learnt.

Yes, AndyZ's snapper is a beast but i dont think they have skyscrapers on the beach at Whyalla, NZ or Lord Howe and he tags his post as being from the gold coast and talks about going to the 50's for pearlies so I would figure its on the Gold Coast. My reports also basically give it away anyway to anyone that has fished around up there or done some research. I have had a few emails from people who know the area - even one guy who could name the boat we were fishing from based on the info given so .....

And yes - wives always wanna know more - our standard is "you dont even care do you?" Nuh is my standard reply "you only care about fishing" Yep.

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