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2 "maritume Safety" Questions


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Hi all,

As soon as I'm starting to take my boat further away from the shore - can somebody please help me with following?

1) I'm getting a VHF radio - is there a place in Syd/Sutherland shire area where I can get the certificate to use it?

2) My reading of the rules is that - as soon as my boat is less than 8m - EPIRB is not compulsory (though recommended) - even if I'm more than 2nm offshore?


Edited by Kruzenvax
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Hi all,

As soon as Im starting to take my biat fyrther away from the shore - can somebidy please help me fith following?

1) Getthng VHF radio - is there aplace in Syd/Sutherland shire area where I can get the certificate?

2) My reading of the rules is that - as soon as my boat is less than 8m - EPIRB is not compulsory (though recommended) - even if I'm more than 2nm offshore?


kruzenvax, in answer to your questions;

The local coast guards organise courses for around $200 inc license fees.

Your understanding of the epirb rule is the same as mine.



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No Andy - not a lot of sense. Nor is there sense in the 2nm limit which was a old State controlled waters limit I think.

A lot of people have a false sense of security with more reliable motors and better weather reporting these days and the fact they see other small boats outside the heads but it has only changed the odds it hasn't changed the facts taht a lot of boats aren't seaworthy and play a dangerous game if and accident or the weather blows up unexpectably. Marketing of boats tells these guys they have bought a boat that will go anywhere .

They have also introduced new responsibilities under state laws on skippers - sort of a moving goalpost and knee jerk so they are seen to be doing something.. I wouldn't want to be the skipper on a boat on which someone dies and a EPIRB wasn't on board required or not. Wouldn't want to be that guinea pig as politicians and desk jockeys throw their weight about with a coroner and charges after.

Just wish they would leave rules alone and actually stop the wally's when they see them rather than pretend they didn't notice. I think we will soon end up with a harbour and bay with a 10kn or no wash speed limit and probably some floating double yellows down it's middle to keep us all safe.

Edited by pelican
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That was the reason behind my question. I didn't understand the logic behind it. I’ve also seen a lot of discussions around about buying “new” EPIRB’s and thought “so all these people have boats bigger than 8m”?

The wording for some rules looks odd to me – e.g. on the “enclosed waters” safety equipment list – looks like I need a 2 litre bucket or bailer AND a 9 litre bucket?

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