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Seeking Boat Buying Advise


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Gday Raiders.

Thanks to a small miracle or the possibly the result of temporary insanity, I've managed to convince the Mrs :wife: that it would be a good idea to buy a boat :yahoo: . I've owned 2 boats in the past, but as a result of being 2 years into my first mortgage, I've spent the last few years as a boat coveting land based angler. However, this means my graduation from desperate land based angler (or very grateful deckie!) into boat owner couldn't be more exciting, but also financially dangerous! By far outweighing the dangers is the simple fact that I can't wait to be able to launch my own boat whenever I feel like it, and enjoy the freedom of movement and limitless fishing locations. Life's bloody great when you own a boat!

Due to the previously mentioned financial constraints, I've made the decision to go halves in the purchase with my best mate and fishing buddy. The rationale being that most of the time we'd be using it together anyway, and it'd be a great way of sharing maintenance and other costs.

The big decision that needs to be made is what sort of boat? I have my dreams of course, but unfortunately my budget quickly brings me back to reality. My preference would be for a 4-5m fibreglass with forward controls, but I'm wary of the maintenance time bombs that exist out there in the $1-$5000 price range. The vast majority of use would be in Sydney harbour, but something that could duck a km or two around the heads in the right conditions would be fantastic (although may not be realistic).

So what do you think? Should I try for a bargain fibreglass half cab or runabout, or should I go for a more modest but reliable tinny? Am I asking for trouble with my expectations/ preferences?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :thumbup:

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you make it hard there are good boats out there but for 5k you would have to expect trouble

i went down this road 5 years ago payed 4500 with in a year we had spent 1500 on the motor

and had no confidence in the boat to go out side

to cut a long story short we purchased a new donk 7500 so the boat cost me 13500 in the long run

so i would buy a good tinny with a good donk that way all you will be doing is fishing not consantly fixing


ps never buy a boat called mary loo it may be my old one

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In principal I agree with brickman , especially when it comes to the motor.

On glass boats check for wood rot in the transom & cracks along the keel


Edited by Hodgey
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Mate 5,000.00 way too cheap for what you want, I would go for a good 4m tinny with a late model 25 or 30 hp . I have looked at boats in this price range and you can get some very decent stuff.My opinion is to go for a reliable modest tinny... Cheers...

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The vast majority of use would be in Sydney harbour, but something that could duck a km or two around the heads in the right conditions would be fantastic (although may not be realistic).

Mate, on the right day you can get that far outside in almost anything. I've been out off port kembla around the close islands and the beach plenty of times in a 12 foot flat bottom tinnny with a 15hp motor. I've seen blokes out there in kayaks/canoes. You have to check the weather before you go and keep an eye on it, but mate, if you play it safe and remember there's always tomorrow, a 4 or 4.5m tinny with about a 25hp (as previously suggested) would be fine for what you want to do.

Good luck with it.

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It sounds like a 4 point something metre tinny with a 25-30hp is the goer. I look forward to adding a picture to the member's boats gallery in the near future!

Thanks everyone for your valuable advise. Generous and practical as usual on this great site.

Really appreciate it.


Geoff. :thumbup:

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