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Esteemed fellow Raiders, for those of you that are observant, it is patently obvious that the cook's away up North for the weekend and I am doing MY thing on a Friday night.

Not working this weekend & thinking about going out Sunday but the forecast looks rather grim - strong winds etc.

Waddaya reckon - too blowy to venture out ( Harbour, close in outside & MH ) or should I just stay home & think things through over a Cab Sav or two?



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I am thinking of sticking to the inshore reefs to dodge the westerly tomorrow

seabreeze tends to understate wind slightly imo

Today is the pick of the days but I can't get out there :mad3:

The last 2 trips i had planned were put off after watching the weather reports for a few days.

Both days turned to be perfect.

Go out if it is a tad windy find a spot that suits.

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The last 2 trips i had planned were put off after watching the weather reports for a few days.

Both days turned to be perfect.


Living 3 1/2 to 4 hours from our beautiful harbour I am getting really frustrated with forecasts. Desperate to get out, not wanting to waste a full weekend towing the boat all the way to the big smoke only to get blown back home is a constant dilema. Cancelled twice now. If the offshore winds don't give me a decent saturday & sunday in a row soon I think I'm gonna buy a submarine. :mad3:

I cancelled this weekend due to the seabreeze sunday winds forecast. So no offence guys but I hope it blows hard sunday or I'm gonna be kicking myself all week. :wacko:

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