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Lake Macquarie Going Off!


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post-7811-1218274975_thumb.jpgpost-7811-1218271587_thumb.jpggday guys, threw the boat in this morning to see if i could muster up a feed, havent been out 4 a couple of weeks because the lake went very quiet, i didnt even have very high hopes when heading out but a few people have said that the flatties come on the chew around august september, WELL i think its true :1prop: it was a bit windy so i was haveing trouble doing my usual drifting and flicking plastics so i sounded over an area and found sum dropoffs and i headed up wind and anchored so that i could flick back over the drop offs and work a wide area which i wasnt that keen on doing cause i like me drifting to cover more area but it really worked!!! a personal thanks to hodgey and gregl who gave me some gr8 info and things to try which helped me heaps :thumbup: thanks guys, my first hook up was a huge flattie very heavy woulda been close to 90cm but spat the hook near the boat :ranting2: 3 flicks later over the same area and i boated a 73cm module :1yikes: then a 42cm then a 53cm one all in abou 45 minutes :biggrin2: i was so stoked!! then i thought well ive got enough to feed the troops so ill head out into the midle of the lake and clean me fish and while im drifting along ill throw me plastic out and just let it bounce along the bottom, i caught another 2 of about 43cm which i let go and hooked another huge 1 which i dropped :thumbdown: ow well . anyway i had an awesome morning out and i was only gone about 2.5hrs all up. all fish were caught on a 3/8 jig head with 4" minnow in pumpkinseed , gulps (hodgey ;) ) ps i also got a couple a tailor which i threw back. :1prop: Edited by diver1
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trying to get some pics up haveing trouble resizeing them.

For all the people that have trouble resizing images!

for vista use = http://www.vso-software.fr/products/image_resizer/

(then all u have to do is right click on ur mouse then pick the size of the image u want)

for XP use = http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/d...eschelman2.mspx

hope this helps!

thanks micky

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I'm in the process of selling my tinnie and buying a bigger tinnie, which is due to happen at the end of this month. SSOOO, I will also be out on the lake, Pulbah Is. sonds the go, and I to will be flicking plastics around.

Sounds like you had a great day.

See ya out there.... Tight lines.


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filleted and deboned them flattie and the whole family hooked in to them, ill tell you what :yahoo: they were sensational!!!!! flathead certainly rate gr8 on the chew at my house. now its time 4 a few sunday arvo :beersmile: . ps, 4cast was spot on here its blowen a gail, so glad i went out :1fishing1: yesty!!!

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filleted and deboned them flattie and the whole family hooked in to them, ill tell you what :yahoo: they were sensational!!!!! flathead certainly rate gr8 on the chew at my house. now its time 4 a few sunday arvo :beersmile: . ps, 4cast was spot on here its blowen a gail, so glad i went out :1fishing1: yesty!!!

great pics , hope in a couple of weeks we can do the same , have you ever fished dora creek cause thats where we will be staying is it worth going up the creek for a fish or head out into the lake , and your right we went for a drive up there to look at some accommodation today and the weather was awful , fingers crossed for better conditions on the 22nd



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me young bloke turned 15 this week, im guna take him out on satdy and try and hook him up with a big flattey!!!

great pics , hope in a couple of weeks we can do the same , have you ever fished dora creek cause thats where we will be staying is it worth going up the creek for a fish or head out into the lake , and your right we went for a drive up there to look at some accommodation today and the weather was awful , fingers crossed for better conditions on the 22nd



ive never fished dora creek so im not to sure .

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great pics , hope in a couple of weeks we can do the same , have you ever fished dora creek cause thats where we will be staying is it worth going up the creek for a fish or head out into the lake , and your right we went for a drive up there to look at some accommodation today and the weather was awful , fingers crossed for better conditions on the 22nd



Hey Tony...

I have fished up the creek, caught undersized bream and whiting. Also, when driving Nth bound up express way, I have noticed a small tinnie up there from my car, Ive seen him a few times flicking about, maybe there's something in that, at days end, I would probably head out into the lake itself.

I use the ramp at Dora Cr a bit, it has a tap there, I use it to wash and flush my tinnie. ( I bring my own hose etc)..

To get to that ramp, come Nth over Dora Ck bridge, turn right (keep the shops to the right of you) head east, go right to the end of the road, you will end up at the ramp and the parking area.

Good luck and enjoy yourself.


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Hey Tony...

I have fished up the creek, caught undersized bream and whiting. Also, when driving Nth bound up express way, I have noticed a small tinnie up there from my car, Ive seen him a few times flicking about, maybe there's something in that, at days end, I would probably head out into the lake itself.

I use the ramp at Dora Cr a bit, it has a tap there, I use it to wash and flush my tinnie. ( I bring my own hose etc)..

To get to that ramp, come Nth over Dora Ck bridge, turn right (keep the shops to the right of you) head east, go right to the end of the road, you will end up at the ramp and the parking area.

Good luck and enjoy yourself.


thanks rod , we are staying at a b&b just down from the boat ramp and after talking to the owner she said a lot of people fish the around the bridges and there maybe a chance of a jewie but bream seem to be the main target but if thats no good pullbah island looks pretty good for a drift , just hope the wind stays away or we stay in the creek

cheers :thumbup:


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Great catch diver1 some excellent models there. I reckon the end of August and the beginning of September are the best months for big flathead on plastics. Many years ago when I used to almost exclusively use hard body lures for flatties they seemed to be really agressive around this time of year. I may be wrong but they might becoming out of some sort of hibernation during winter. Who knows?

RayR and I love targetting the flatones so we will be out to our favourite spots soon.

Regards, Hutcho

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we went out 4 a flick but to bloody windy :ranting2: got a flounder which we thru back and my young bloke hooked something huge :1yikes: got it to the boat but only 4 a second, it was at least a metre long not sure wat it was? looked like either a jew a hairtail? or a skinny shark? i didnt get a proper look at it but we were very happy with at least a glimpse!!

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If you dont mind me asking Diver, where ya been picking up your flatties? I managed a feed a fortnight ago drifting the channel and another two bigger ones the weeken d after, one off coal point in less then a mtr of water and the other - 80cm jobby off valentine on some structure the sounder picked up, any info would be tops mate, your not wrong there is a few around, these next few weeks will only get better, i can feel it in the air lol

As for that Mtr plus fish your young bloke dropped, go with the Jew idea mate, i too dropped a largish jeweyish looking specimen on the same day - 6 poound braid with 8pd leader, felt like nothing until i seen it then byebye

Edited by youngy555
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no worries champ! i do quite good all around pulbah and lately off sandy beach @ summerland pt, me mates go alright at mannering park outlet but when i went to take me boat in there it seemed very shallow.

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