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4 Yakkas In A Fish Tank


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Used to have tropical fish but they all finally carked it so i cleaned out the tank and on saturday i bought home some left over yakkas.

Just your standard sized (approx 2ft wide) tank with a filter, took the heater out as i cought them in 12 degree water, i also added an extra pump after a day which they really seem to appreciate for the extra flow .. heres some pics, hope they turn out ok




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As a fish keeping enthusiest: Your tank looks over stocked and they will probably die from an ammonia spike/nitrate spike/or the change in salinity. So use them soon :1fishing1:

As a fisherman: Nice, gives me a few good ideas


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Now all you have to do is get them to breed.

LOL ... actually does anyone know how to tell males from females, 1 of the 4 yakkas has a lot darker colouring/stripes so i was thinking that may be an indication?

To be honest though i'll just be happy if they make it to me next fishing session :1fishing1:

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Yes of course their in salt water, used the water that was left in the live bait tank, and went down to the waters edge when i got home on the sat and filled up two eskys to fill up the rest of the tank.

No idea if they have the doctors in their mouths .. havent checked.

Yea i dont expect them to last forever, if that was the case i'd only be keeping two in that size tank (even that would be iffy, but i've been told that they should last at 3 weeks.

In the filter im using standard stuff - wool like filter block, bag of carbon and a bag of biomax .. all of those i had used in my tropical tank previously and i looked on the boxes and they said they can be used for fresh or saltwater use so i threw em in :biggrin2: .

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Yes of course their in salt water, used the water that was left in the live bait tank, and went down to the waters edge when i got home on the sat and filled up two eskys to fill up the rest of the tank.

haha nice !

Now to get some squid, bream, flatties and a kingy

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haha nice !

Now to get some squid, bream, flatties and a kingy

I've heard of bream and flatties being kept in 6ft tanks without too many hassles ... couldnt imagine being able to keep a squid or kingy though ... but how awsome would it look ... especially if we could put them both in the same tank :04:

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I tried keeping some baby bream in a salt tank, butI couldnlt get the buggers to eat any of the commercial foods. The only things they would eat were live nippers and black crabs, and collecting them from Sydney Harbour foreshores is illegal.

ended up letting them go again. Maybe I'll meet them in a few years.............. :fisher:

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I've heard of bream and flatties being kept in 6ft tanks without too many hassles ... couldnt imagine being able to keep a squid or kingy though ... but how awsome would it look ... especially if we could put them both in the same tank :04:

how big is ur tank that has the kingy in it?

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ummm that's not a snapper next to it? that's insane, by the sound of your name you must love the kingies, but i must ask...what the feck do you feed them? not just pillies and prawns i hope??

any doggies in the tank??????

LOL it was in a restaurant window in downtown (very downtown) Hong Kong. He was clearly in distress, lips all busted up and fins frayed, bashing into the glass. There's a lot of 'fish abuse' in Asia, very sad indeed :thumbdown:

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Hi Guys,

there was an old tackle shop in my local area of concord that had a fish tank in the back that had yakkas, bream and a couple of other species in it. it was a decent size about 6 foot and upon my recollection he kept them alive for ages. Till i saw that, I didnt think it was possible. no squid though.


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Yeah, I can't see the point in keeping sick fish in a tank for eating. if you know your fish husbandry, you'd see diseases on most fish in a restaurant window and I wouldn't touch them. They would be soooo much better straight from the ocean, or even frozen!!

I kept some healthy bream once as an experiment for about six months. they ate prawns mostly, then I released them happily. I had toad fish and a couple of others which faded in captivity, but the bream were quite healthy.

Kingies??? I used to volunteer at Ocean World some years back, we released heaps of kingies into the main tank and they eventually were killed off by a worm of some sort, then the sharks cleaned them up I think. It was fun feeding them from the surface though, I was worried about loosing a finger with the way they fed!


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hows the yakkas doing?

Still goin strong :thumbup:

They dont seem to be interested in the saltwater fish food i bought at the pet shop (nice waste of $20) so im thinking i might grab some live brine shrimp tomorrow arvo and see how they go with that (why not waste some more aye ;))

or perhaps i should just grab one of me pre made berley bombs out of the freezer and throw that in? ... lol

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We once bought a property that had a comercial tank in it.

It was 7x5x4ft.

We had bream, blue swimmers, yakkas and even a squid in it. The squid didn't last to long as the fish use to hassel it all the time. The crab was a spin out the first time we kept one. One morning I got up and found our crab had doubled, now there were 2 crabs in the tank!

In the end the crab had shed it's shell, the shell was in one piece, amazing that a hard shelled animal can flip up the underbelly flap up and then crawl out leaving the shell still intact.

Bream were the easiest to keep, the yakkas lasted about a month before looking taty. We'd just take them out and feed the crabs with em.



Still goin strong :thumbup:

They dont seem to be interested in the saltwater fish food i bought at the pet shop (nice waste of $20) so im thinking i might grab some live brine shrimp tomorrow arvo and see how they go with that (why not waste some more aye ;))

or perhaps i should just grab one of me pre made berley bombs out of the freezer and throw that in? ... lol

Buy a small pack of prawns from the servo.

Peel them and cut it up into little chunks.

Drop a couple of pieces in at a time, don't throw any more in till they eat the others first.

Some fish will take a week to start feeding again with all the stress of being hooked and transported.


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yep, as Greg recommended, feed them peeled prawns. Don't feel them things like pillies (or that berley bomb).. the problem is, oily fish like pillies will leave a coat of oil along the top of your tank.

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yep, as Greg recommended, feed them peeled prawns. Don't feel them things like pillies (or that berley bomb).. the problem is, oily fish like pillies will leave a coat of oil along the top of your tank.

peeled prawns aye

cheers, i'll pull a pack out of the freezer and give em a go this arvo.

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Hi there,

Mate that is very interesting and good timing for me.

The last of my troppos died and after 7 years we have retired the outfit.

I had exactly the same thought.

Keep the info coming as i might do the same thing in summer.


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If you fed them prawn and thy are imported don't put them back in the waterways. There is a huge concern about introducing disease into out waterways from imported prawns. This is why no fishing bait prawns are imported into Australia. When the experiment is over - on the compost heap not back into our waterways.

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I keep poddy mullet in a tank for when i go jew fishing. They last forever. The last lot i had was 6 months old. and didnt even change the water. caught them in the georges river so yeah. I would keep 20 at a time in a 2X2 square tank. im just setting up a bigger one to put bigger mullet in. no collection before i go fish. its great. and to refill just take the kids and its an outting all together keeps the misses happy.

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I keep poddy mullet in a tank for when i go jew fishing. They last forever. The last lot i had was 6 months old. and didnt even change the water. caught them in the georges river so yeah. I would keep 20 at a time in a 2X2 square tank. im just setting up a bigger one to put bigger mullet in. no collection before i go fish. its great. and to refill just take the kids and its an outting all together keeps the misses happy.

and your mates can come over and grab there livies from your place before they go too

cheers arman

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