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More Winter Flatties


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G'Day all,

We had to postpone our usual Saturday session due to strong winds. This morning I was greeted with a light breeze and sun peering intermittently through light cloud cover ... an ideal morning for plastics (except for the fact that it was an incoming tide :( )

Undeterred, Dene and I headed to our usual spot. Within minutes I had one kicking in the esky and was re-tying a jig head as I had been busted by a solid fish right at the boat :mad3: The fishing proved to be very slow, and the quality of the fish was down on previous trips. Both Dene and I managed to snag a bream each of approx 35cm ... on 4" Gulp Swimming Mullet and 1/4oz jig heads :1yikes: As with previous weeks, these bream were in pretty poor condition and were released to 'put some beef on'. We wound up with 8 mediocre flatties, until Dene nailed this 65cm model. Quick photo, and back in the drink it went.


We moved to three other areas with limited success, so Dene suggested we try near the '4 ways', as he had not fished there for several years. As we approached this location, I explained to Dene that I had had a great deal of success inside one of the 'arms' but it had always been in summer. We commenced drifting across this area ... and that's where we found them! :yahoo: Within 5 minutes, Dene landed a nice 60cm model and 10 minutes later he was tussling with a beautiful fish of 76cm. :thumbup:



This girl went ballistic in the boat, thrashing around spare rods and bashing into tackle bags. Her last great act of defiance before release was to chew merrily away on Dene's knuckle while we were taking her photo. I think he was glad to see the back of her when she swam off :074: These were the 2 standout fish of the spot but we landed numerous table quality fish. Final tally for the day was 26, and although the individual scores were level (13 a piece), Dene was the undisputed champ with the 3 largest fish for the day. Well done mate! :thumbup:


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Well done Hodgey. :thumbup:

I'm sure by now you must be getting bored with that tough fishing you're having to deal with :fisher: I'm certainly not bored with seeing all those big lizards though so keep em coming. If I can't find any myself your posts are the next best thing.

Good luck with the EPs mate :fish_h4h::fish_h4h::fish_h4h:

Cheers, Slinky

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Another top session & report Hodgey,you guys are killing me with what you call SLOWWW days,you gotta

have fish fish in botany bay at the moment & you will really see what slow is.Impressive bag of fish with

some great flatties caught amongst them too,Very well done again!!



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