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Snapper On The Weekend

Ross Hunter

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A great day at The Hump with a good team on Broadbill

We tossed up at 6am what should we do! The Peak for kings or my favourite part of the world and my stamping ground for the past 40 years the grounds off Bellambi on the south coast. Snapper are everyone's favourite and as a table fish are next to none, so it was agreed, snapper it was to be.

Having worked the kings over for the past half a dozen trips and caught a heap which were 80% unders, we decided to attack the reds down south and from a conversation with one of the charter boats we made the right decision with poor catches of mostly unders reported.

We steamed all the 18 nautical mile and anchored at 8.30 in 25 fathoms.

We pretty much caught fish straight away on both paternoster rigs and floaters. We used stripy tuna, squid and pillies for bait.. It was right on the tide change, the fish varied from 35 cm to 38 cm, not up to our normal standards from Spring last year but respectable reds and perfect table size.

Broady’s deckie Emu kept the berley trail going, the seas got flatter and everyone was in a great mood enjoying the day and fishing hard.

My old school mate from Narwee boys in the ’58 year Ray Patterson had joined me.

Ray lives on the Hawkesbury River and his whole family are water ski champions. They have won the coveted bridge to bridge quite a few times.

Patto fished well and was constantly hooked up much to Mike’s horror who was fishing a metre from him. It all panned out in the end with everyone catching snapper, mowies, a few pigfish and a leatherjacket of two.

We have certainly fished better day’s fish -wise but the company can help make a great day and we certainly had that.

At 3pm we headed home having given the flathead grounds off Garie a work over.

Another nice day at The Hump with a good mixed bag of reds, mowies etc the result.










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Some nice fish there Ross !!


Thanks mate! There were no really bigfish but a good catch of platers..A day where the company was great, the seas nice and everything fell into place

Ya gotta be happy with that! surely that's what fishing is all about

Thanks for your comments as always.


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Hey Cogga !

Great haul well done to you and the crew plus the "EMU"

Yeah you are right not as great as last year but any day you get a haul of reds is still a good one !

but there is still alot of spring left to go so cross our fingers that the we catch those big ones next time


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Smiling faces and a good haul of great eating fish ... that's a great day on the water! :thumbup:

I know what your saying about great company Ross. I had a woeful day on the water (insofar as fish is concerned), but still managed a lot of laughs and s##t stirring with my very good mate Dene. His anecdotes and wit always provides for a top day on the water. Fish captures truly are just a bonus. :biggrin2:


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Hey Cogga !

Great haul well done to you and the crew plus the "EMU"

Yeah you are right not as great as last year but any day you get a haul of reds is still a good one !

but there is still alot of spring left to go so cross our fingers that the we catch those big ones next time



I reckon we will see a Spring run We had a great catch of big snapper last Spring on Billfisher and Broadbill Let's keep our fingers crossed See photos of last seasons snapper. You may have skippered a few of these days.
















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Smiling faces and a good haul of great eating fish ... that's a great day on the water! :thumbup:

I know what your saying about great company Ross. I had a woeful day on the water (insofar as fish is concerned), but still managed a lot of laughs and s##t stirring with my very good mate Dene. His anecdotes and wit always provides for a top day on the water. Fish captures truly are just a bonus. :biggrin2:


That's what I tell my customers on Broadbill They reckon I'm a fraud..quote a is a bonus on a day like this


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Looks like a great day out Ross

How much discount does a lifetime frendship get you when Patto builds you a new boat!!!!

Hope he's doing well will catch up with him soon.



Jeez mate I don't know about the new boat getting out of my beautiful Broady, which I pupose built with my own tender loving hands. That might be taking friendship a bit too far. Patto and myself went to Narwee Boys to gether in 1958. Back when Men were men and women knew it. Ah! how life has changed! He is going well We had a great day to gether on Saturday.


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Smiling faces and a good haul of great eating fish ... that's a great day on the water! :thumbup:

I know what your saying about great company Ross. I had a woeful day on the water (insofar as fish is concerned), but still managed a lot of laughs and s##t stirring with my very good mate Dene. His anecdotes and wit always provides for a top day on the water. Fish captures truly are just a bonus. :biggrin2:



It's what a good days fishing is all about Good company and afun day on the ocean

It gets me every time


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