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Flattie And Kingie Madness!


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post-1587-1220155967_thumb.jpgHi Guys,

Saturdays plan was to head wide and have a crack at popping my kingie on a jig cherry, then come in closer to road test some of the new Slam! soft plastic lures i had scored on the resident flattie population.

Lauched in cooks with Sharky and CFD on board where we joined what was a race to the peak, awesome conditions allowed us to make our way out at 30kn all the way. We didn't have trouble finding the mark with the best part of 20 boats already trying their best to fool a kingie.

We sounded out a strong school and set the jigs down, sharky was the first to hook up on something that felt a like a paper bag on the 80lb jigging gear, it turned out to be a nice size leather jacket.. on to the next school. I sent a jig down and was hit instantly...then chop...bye bye $25 zest jig, braid and wind on... GGRRRRRR!!!! i re tied a double and trace while chris sounded out another school... i decided to go for the cheaper Williamson 250gm abyss speed Jig in pink. We found a school and started jigging again, bam! hooked up, the Fishfinder custom jig stick loaded up and i heard the ever sweet moan of braid over the guides. :yahoo: i had my cherry popped with a just under legal Kingie released to fight again.


We tried a few more positive soundings, but they turned out to be masses of leather jackets, so we pulled the pin after loosing a few more jigs and about 150m of braid :ranting2: .

With conditions now glassed out, we made haste back into the familiar 50m waters straight out of Botany. CFD and i had a small beer wager :beersmile: on whos favourite edible plastic would get the results, so it was one of each on way to the ocean floor, Gulp on the top and the test sample Slam on the bottom jig

we had another rod with some of Chris' most disgusting, foul smelling salted pilchards just in case...


The first few fish fell to the bait rod, mainly throwbacks that were barely worth winding to the top... the drift was slow so there was plenty of time for blaming each other on the poor results.... Sharky came up trumps with a double hookup on a pair of awesome 48-50cm flatties on the stinky pillies.. Shortly after that the hits became more agressive and the plastics started to pay dirt, the Slams were out fishing the Gulps by at least 2:1 although they were lacking a bit in size on both accounts.

- below is one of the plate sized flatties that fell to the draw of the Slam lures.


Chris was now fishing a pillie and plastic combo and was starting to seriously out class me in the capture stakes!.... i called for a move to another spot, then BANG! my trusty live fibre bent in half and drag started ripping off the baitrunner, brief fight later and a handy net job by Chris and i had a HORSE of a fish on board, the Slam! did the damage and the Beer prize was mine!


We did a few more drifts, only keeping the fish between 40-55cm as they are the best eating we feel, chris also took a monster jacket on a gulp plastic.. back at the ramp we did the final count, 24 awesome tasty fish for the table!

We caught in excess of 60 fish today and kept only the best eating ones – both Chris and I agreed that the Slam easily contributed to at least 60% of the days catch… considering we were running 4 double paternosters consisting of 4 pillies, 2 Gulps and only 2 Slams id say that these are pretty impressive results for the Slam crew – if only we had run 8 Slams our catch could have well quadrupled!!!


It was an awesome day, great weather and fantastic fishing!



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nice haul of flatiies :thumbup:

ive never seen so many boats at the peak before, at 7 in the morning we counted 32 boats of which half would have been jigging...ridiculous...imagine what the fad is gong to b like this summer!! :wacko:

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hey Sam ,seen you at the peak there mate was coming over to say hi,when you guys took off ,so heres HI,was a tough day thats for sure ,worst weve had since the yft have departed sydney,we ended up with 7 kings to 76cm with 3 undersize in that seven,but that was a hell of a lot of drops i can tell you,lot of work for little return

lost 11 jigs ,two reels need to be repooled and a third s low,got to love those jackets :mad3:

but the one entertaining thing is too watch your mate clip on a smith jig ,an owner hook and ring, 35 odd dollars retail

you then tell him picking a nice school of jackets mate ,drop em,one minute later YOU BASTXXXXXXXYOU XXXXXXXYOU XXXXXXXXXand so on ,id pay to watch that

congrats on popping your jigging kingy cherry,and a top feed of flatie fillets there

chers arman

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Cheers guys!

The catch certainly got the three of us back in the good books, i certainly know my :wife: and my own family were giving me grief for making them wait for so long between flathead feasts!

Ross, the shorts certainly give the 'i mean business' look at the boat ramp.. its camo for the fish :P

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yeah good work man! can i ask though, were you just hooking those lures up like bait and drifting or did you work them a bit?

We were rigging them up on resin head jigs... the natural rocking of the boat imparts plenty of action on the lures, we still give them a jiggle and drop them back down to the bottom every now and then.

Tones, it was great to use it for its intended purpose, thanks for taking care of that little issue and getting me back on the water so quickly!

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