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Caught My First Fish On Blades


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Hi guys

I took the yak out yesterday morning, as it was such a lovely day, & tried blackie fishing under the bridge. There are always heaps of big blackies & bream hiding between the pylons, so I just had to give it a go!! Got lots of bites, but no hookups, so when the tide turned & picked up, I high-tailed it to the safety of the Marina & tossed my TT Blade lure around! Got chatting with the local Coastal Patrol guys (in the background of the photo) who were most intrigued with My Hobie SPORT yak & just left the lure 'on the bottom'!

Pulled up the rod & this is what I caught!


A bloody trumpeter! Not real exciting! :wacko: I had hopes of a bream or flattie & even tried it under the bridge for a blackie ...... didn't catch any tourists this time tho :) :)

Can't wait to catch a real fish! :1prop:



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I'm guessing it didn't fight as hard as the tourist though! Maybe you could up the excitement level a bit further by trying to get past the hungry tourists and hit a holden instead... I hear they go really well on bream gear :074:

Nice to see you got a fish on a blade all the same... :thumbup:

mine are still looking lonely and dry in the bottom of my tackle box.

Cheers, Slinky

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:074: Funny post, Slinky! :) I will be trying ....... very trying!!!

hey Dave - up here, the big flatties love them as a 'livie' & I've even heard of a jewie caught on them!! This one was lucky tho .... put back!



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