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Found Some Weed And The Blackfish Are Still There


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After weeks of searching I finally found some weed in the Illawarra that was decent. It's a bit soft and slimy but good enough to use. Decided to go down to Windang and have a fish from the shore late in the run-out tide today.

Dad caught a good one of 33cm on his very first cast and I got a good down but missed it. Next cast I also caught one of 26cm so he, of course, went back. In the next half hour I landed 3 more undersized fish and had numerous bites. Dad also caught and released another 2 fish. There was a group of fishermen just down from us who got there before we did and they were going home with about 15 good sized fish.

All of a sudden the bite stopped. We tried for another half hour without a bite so we packed up and went home. Great to see that the fish are still there and hoping to get out again on Thursday for another go. Will use the boat next time so we can move around a bit and visit some of our favourite spots in the Lake.

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Well done on getting into some fish, altho some were undersized. Bigger ones will come be caught! The weed will become more plentiful as the weather warms up & now is a top time to fish.

Good luck!


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You may want to record the tide for that spot. Some spots fire on certain tides for Blackies. Methinks you got there at the end of the bite. I have spots which only work on certain tides. I have fished them on other tides and not even had a down. As soon as the tide changes, it is like someone flicked the switch!!! :biggrin2:

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Thanks for that info Ceph a Lopod. I was thinking of giving it a go on Thursday earlier in the run out tide. I have noticed quite often that you get to a certain spot and the bites are coming thick and fast then all of a sudden everything just shuts down.

Strange little critters these blackfish but trying to work them out is half the fun.


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