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Weekend Fish


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Hi All,

Started on Saturday night - going for a squid session around warves in Sydney. Started at first spot and managed 2. Then the light drizzle started to come down so I went to another spot. By this time it was midnight. We where absolutely amazed to see about 100 squid siting next to the warf. The next 5 min utes was mahem. We had 2 rods and simply dropped both in the water and hooked up instantly. We managed about 15 squid in 5 minutes - (heavenly).. They then moved on and came back in a smaller school and managed a few more - I did notice some THUMPER sized bream underneath them.. Through out a soft plastic but no interest. Ended up with 24 squid - happy as Lary!

The next day I decided to go for a jew bash. Left home at 1.00 pm to cath the 2.00pm low. Got to the spot at 1.30pm and threw my floaters out. I tried something new again - used a float and dropped down squid 60 feet with a small ball sinker.

As I waited I noticed the float fall then the rod bend.. Caught a small jew at around 3kg..


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Nice one mate, haven't caught one since i've moved to cent.coast!

Hey wud u mind telling me the sweet spot!!!!!! :beersmile:



Hi All,

Started on Saturday night - going for a squid session around warves in Sydney. Started at first spot and managed 2. Then the light drizzle started to come down so I went to another spot. By this time it was midnight. We where absolutely amazed to see about 100 squid siting next to the warf. The next 5 min utes was mahem. We had 2 rods and simply dropped both in the water and hooked up instantly. We managed about 15 squid in 5 minutes - (heavenly).. They then moved on and came back in a smaller school and managed a few more - I did notice some THUMPER sized bream underneath them.. Through out a soft plastic but no interest. Ended up with 24 squid - happy as Lary!

The next day I decided to go for a jew bash. Left home at 1.00 pm to cath the 2.00pm low. Got to the spot at 1.30pm and threw my floaters out. I tried something new again - used a float and dropped down squid 60 feet with a small ball sinker.

As I waited I noticed the float fall then the rod bend.. Caught a small jew at around 3kg..


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Hey Pacemode,

Great effort on the slippery little suckers and a loveley silver Jew. I'm intertested how you work outside the square and get good results, well done. Just out of interested, how do you rig up with your float 60 ft above your rig so you can wind it in, without fowling it in the runners. I often want to set a bait at different depths but want it away from the boat or shore but not touching the bottom.



Edited by Brian
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Nice work... even with a slow Harbour Jewie season due to colder than average temps you've suceeded.


I don't think the jew have been quieter this year. I think fishermen who target jew have slowed down on the fishing because of the cold temps. The jew are here all year round...

Float Stopper - I use a little fluoro bead ontop of the float - I then tie 60 feet of 40 pound fluoro carb leader onto my braid - this acts as the stopper - have tried little stoppers but don't work well on braid. Hope that helps.

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