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Harness Off The Rocks


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At the location where I fish off the rocks there is provisions for an induvidual to clip them selves in to prevent being washed away buy some of the monster swells that occur at high tide....

Is there anything specifically manufactured for this purpose?? or do i have to put my thinking cap on and construct an alternative??

Cheers, Harry.

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Other than stating the obvious that you probably shouldnt be fishing in those conditions if you need to tie yourself down.. Get some decent rope, and the adjustable cams that are available from outdoor abseiling shops. The cams come in different sizes and then you insert them into the cracks/holes etc where you are fishing. This is portable and can be used anywhere you can find good rock structure. They dont break, and you just have to wash them down and inox them when you get home after. Better than trusting something thats been attached for who knows how long on the rocks and not knowing how strong it still is.

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mate there are plenty of great ledges around sydney which you dont need a harness etc and hold some amazing fish im just getting into lbg and from the fish i have seen landed you would need 200m of rope to be able to run up and down the ledge.

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Please don't tie yourself to the rocks, if it is that nasty then don't go, if you do get washed of by a wave , the best place to be is away from them , not tied in to the washy part.. Care and a floatation vest if you are not a strong swimmer, and of course a good pair of cleated shoes.. Cheers..

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:1yikes: as said above never tye your self to the rocks

there used to be a pole at north whale but that was put there for the fish keeper net or burly bag not to harness your self to

20 years off rock fishing experiance here are a few facts

in a big swell the waves come in sets off 3 to 4 and then there are freek waves

you need to have an escape root and to be tryed to a pole and be hit by 3 to 4 waves draged in and out maybe smashed on the pole you would be in pritty bad shape

i've never gone for a swim but have dun the bolt plenty off times

north head murk was a clasic to far to run but a good ledge to hide behind i've hidden behind that ledge many times and had 3 sets come over the top 5 feet thick


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