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Jewie #2

King slayer

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So I was dreaming about fishing like usual all yesterday and as usual until I go I won't stop thinking about it.So this morning when I woke at 5.30, knowing that it was fathers day I was armed with the benefit of the doubt on my side. So tempting fate (given this is my 'weekend off fishing') I grabbed my rods, one frozen squid I caught last week and a bag of pillies from the servo on the way down to a little spot near by Roseville ramp.

The tide was nearly on the dead low, but running when i got there and the water BROWN as from all the rain.

I took a few casts to get my half a squid bait into just the right spot and set it there while I played around looking for bream. Just as the flow came to nearly dead, my rod starts getting tapped, but heavily. I held on with hope and adrenaline pumping, but after a few more taps, no take and a missed strike, I thought it must be a big bream. Still I heard jewies can do this too, so I lowered the rod as the taps started again, timed it just on a tap and struck the hooks just right to come up tight on something with a bit of weight, well more than a bream anyway.

She didn't pull too hard so I knew it wasn't huge but as I saw the big paddle tail and the silver on the surface I was pretty excited..Jewie..Ha, I knew they were here. I dragged it over the oysters and up to the bank, badly damaging my leader in the process. But here she sat after three attempts in the vicinity, I got one in 30 mins on a last minute quick trip!

Re rigged and sent out my second and last squid bait only to be snagged. Sent out a pillie for no love after that. No bream either, but I didn't give them much of a chance really. Pickers didn't attack the pillie after 20 mins or so.

So off I went back home in time for my pancake breakfast and a day of eating and beer! Good fathers day all up really.

Here's me with said Jewie, she was 69cms. My wifes trying not to gag behind the camera phone. (She only likes fish when it doesn't look like fish!)


Hope you all had a great fathers day too!


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Hi Dave,

Well done on the schoolie as they have been hard to come by lately in Middle Harbour.

I am gonna do one or two sessions this week in the tinnie at a few MH spots.

Doing some time just sounding out a few new potential spots for summer.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done mate! Nice Fathers' Day pressie.

Keep fishing that area over the next couple of months. Every year there is a few 15 -20kg jew pulled from there in September/October.



Hi Grant,

Is it worth flicking lures around for jew in that area as well ??



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Hi Grant,

Is it worth flicking lures around for jew in that area as well ??



Hey Roffo,

I live a few minutes from the ramp and yes flicking lures for jews in that area does produce jews.

I catch em with bait and the whole plastic thing i have yet to fully discover. This year i am getting on board due to good results from others.

Gotta keep up with the times as sometimes livies and bait just doesnt get em going.


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Hi Grant,

Is it worth flicking lures around for jew in that area as well ??



You bet mate. :biggrin2:

I've witnessed two jew of 17kg & 21kg caught up there on plastics. Plenty of smaller ones as well.

Drive past the bridge as far up as you can go then walk up river & cast at the likely looking spots.

It should be really firing there about now.



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You bet mate. :biggrin2:

I've witnessed two jew of 17kg & 21kg caught up there on plastics. Plenty of smaller ones as well.

Drive past the bridge as far up as you can go then walk up river & cast at the likely looking spots.

It should be really firing there about now.



Thanks Grant,

I'll give it a go, if I nail one half that size I'll be a happy man.



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