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Jacuzzi Style Live Well,

mystic shad

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I was fiddling about with my pond pump at home. I lifted it out of the water whilst running then immersed it again. As the impellor was cavitating from the air still inside, the expelled water came out all fizzy, like the old soda stream machines.

This got me thinking then tinkering.

If I was to infuse thousands of tiny wee air bubbles as opposed to 100's of larger bubbles in my well, this would greatly improve the oxygen levels in the water and thus increase the quantity of fish or bait I could keep in the well.

I have now developed the live well with a fizz.

Aptly named the SHADOMIZER.

If you run a 5mm pvc tube from above the waterline and have it sitting just above the pump impellor, it sucks bubbles into the pump then smashes them to millions of wee bubbles

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If you run a 5mm pvc tube from above the waterline and have it sitting just above the pump impellor, it sucks bubbles into the pump then smashes them to millions of wee bubbles


Hope your not trying to Patent it! Keep Alive bait pumps will nail you to the wall! :risata: Show us a pic of how you did it Shad. :thumbup:

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Sorry about the unfinished post lastnight. My computer suffered the blue screen of death. I'll get a piccy in a tick. In the meanwhile, I looked at that keep alive website and I now know what you mean Joe.

I downloaded a wee movie off the site to see if I can post it.

Nup can't do it. Heres the web address. Take a look while I get a picture


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Hi Mystic,

I don't believe adding bubbles to a live well will allow you to hold any significant amount of additional bait.

Bubbles are used in closed systems (aquariums, ponds, etc) to increase surface area so that oxygen can diffuse in faster and replace that which the fish are using up. Lots of aquarium impellers have air injection.

A standard live well is an open system. It sucks up water from outside (which is already carrying as much oxygen as it can) and replaces the oxygen depleted water in the well. You just need to make sure the amount of water you are replacing is sufficient for the amount of bait you are holding.

If you increase the water flow to hold more bait, you can create too strong a current which tires out the livies and then they are not as good so there are limits. I used to make diffusers to spread out the water so it doesn't all enter and leave at the same point (rigid PVC tube with lots of small holes).

Just my $0.02 worth.



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Hi Mystic,

I don't believe adding bubbles to a live well will allow you to hold any significant amount of additional bait.

Bubbles are used in closed systems (aquariums, ponds, etc) to increase surface area so that oxygen can diffuse in faster and replace that which the fish are using up. Lots of aquarium impellers have air injection.



I see your point Jeff and appreciate the contribution.

Increasing the surface area of the bubbles would certainly allow oxygen to infuse faster, it also increases quantities of oxygen to infuse. a large bubble rises quickly and hence only a small qty will infuse. When I use the shadomizer, the water goes completely cloudy like fizzy drink. I trialled its performance on a few different species, (prawns, yellowtail & tailor). I found that I could run the shadomizer for 3/4 of the time less than a conventional spray bar. I also found that the critters went ballistic like a kid after red cordial, when the infuser was working.

The prawns were interesting, I left them to the point of near suffiocation, then gave them the shadomizers touch, Within 5 minutes they were ready for action, pinging around the tub.

In summary, the benefits I have seen is the ability to conserve power due to less pump running time and the performance of the high energy bait after a session in the jacuzzi

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