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Tough August On The Trout


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August is normally a pretty good year up in the Snowies, and judging from some of the reports I had looked at from various sources it was fishing quite well.

First Trip 8th - 10th August. Snowies

Damn, Damn, Damn... The trip just happen to co-incide with the 'coldest cold front in 20 years'. Wonderful, that myth about Trout loving cold conditions is just that, a myth. Like any fish they shut down when low pressure zones hit. We tried Creel Bay and Kalkite on Lake Jindabyne and also Old Adaminiby at Eucumbene with the old fish being lost by Dad. 3 Days, zero fish! We even tried to get into Tantangara but the snow was to deep for my little Forester (in fact, I suspect it would have been tough for any 4wd).

We got snowed on, slipped in mud and blown around by wind. Lures, Flys and even Powerbait were ignored and I did not even polaroid a cruiser at Jindabyne.

Mick at Alpine Angler confirmed with reports of big fat zeros for just about everyone coming back in. Still, 3 days with Dad in the mountains is always a pleasure.

Timber at Old Adaminiby


Second Trip 30th - 31st. Snowies

Timing was rubbish again with another low pressure zone was due any moment! Still, there may be some fish feeding before the change and for once this proved correct with Dad getting stuck into a 65cm, 2.61kg Brown. It was a post spawner hence the lack of weight but still a great fish.

The front came through about now however, Dad lost a further fish when it found a sunken tree and I got some good follows but the colder it got the less action we saw. The following day was worse, with a couple of lone follows being all.

I tell you what, I am amazed with the amount of sunken timber there really is in Jindabyne. Eucumbene is famous for timber but Jindabyne appears very barren, but with the super low levels (lowest ever for Jindy), whole forests are appearing out of the depths.

Apart from those couple of weekends I didn't get out. Even Lyell and TCD didn't get my normal sessions. I believe that the Snowies are going to have a very good season with the deep snow pack, when it melts we should see some super fishing at Eucy in particular as the water may get up to some area's that haven't seen water for about 2 years (if we are lucky).

2.61kg Brown




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Great reports Matt. :thumbup:

Shame about the conditions, but I like your positive attitude. There's not much you can do when those low pressure zones hit.

That 65cm Brown your dad caught is a ripper! Well done!

Hope you're right about an improvement after the snow melt.



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