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Father's Day Fish


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It was two years ago on Father's Day that I caught my first fish - a flattie on a pink squidgy fish. You might say I got 'hooked' since then.

I try to commemorate the occasion now by fishing every Father's Day. I caught my first Trevally on a Gulp shrimp last year.

Was not so optimistic this year because of the rains and it was blowing at Carss Park when we got there :thumbdown: . Was hoping the kids would be able to fish as well but I got them going on Plan B (footy) while I persevered in the wind.

Conditions were tough but I did manage a first - bream on a hardbodied lure! :thumbup: Got two tiddlers on a new blade lure. Found that the blade had enough weight to be able to cast out and stay in contact with in the windy conditions.


As the tide was going out, I switched to the ever faithful SPs and got a couple of flathead for the table. Here's one of the smaller ones at 40cm. Was good to be out. Bring on summer!!


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The area is surprisingly quite productive when lure fishing. I've caught bream, flathead and trevally there all on soft plastics. I find that bream and flathead hang close to the weed beds that border the bay. I've actually used Google Earth to scope out where the weed beds are and also to work out where the deeper water is. Being land based, I have to use whatever resources are available to me when I'm not out fishing ...

I also stay away from the rocky areas. Having said that, if you can cast far enough and fish light, you should't get snagged there.

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That bream looks to be in a very healthy condition. Good news for the years to come. I recall playing soccer at Cars Park years ago and the fish I seen then were nowhere near the condition of that speciman.

Well done and good to see the young one involved.

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