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What about Sharks???

Which ones are good to eat???


Hi Harry,mate the best eating sharks in my experience are probably small Mako's in the 40kg to 60kg range,

they are quite good to eat when marinated with soy sauce,sweet chilli sauce & honey for about 1 hour &

then a couple of minutes each side on the barbie hot plate,as long as its not too much of it at one time.

A couple of decent slices for each person is plenty & pretty filling as well,try it & you will find it very tasty.



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What about Sharks???

Which ones are good to eat???


It is really depending on the environment.

i.e. After a long day fishing, surfing or watching the footy, a good feed of fish and chips is hard to beat. Most outlets serving this meal would be using shark meat (flake), unless you specifically requested another species.

Marlin, in my opinion, are great fish to eat smoked. The larger variety tend to be oily and are riddled with some type of worm. I am not saying that they are inedible however you are comparing rump steak against fillet if you compare them with other table fare of higher quality.

In my opinion, mahi-mahi (Dolphin Fish) are by far the best eating fish known to man. Yes, they also can have a yellowish, cotton like worm, but if filleted and fried in butter for around 30 seconds each side, well..., I'll stand corrected if anybody has tasted a more mouth watering meal in their life. Possibly, a little "gamey" for some people.

Back to the environment, if I was trying to woo my prospective bride, I think I would select a species a little higher on the shelf.


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Good stuff Guys...

Are Bronzies any good?

I even heard Wobbegong is supposed to be good eating....


The recreational bag limit of ZERO was introduced for Wobbegong Sharks in September 2007 and they atre no longer permitted to be retained by recreational fishermen.

Bronze Whaler Shark

Recovery Rate Fillets: up to 80% from shark barrels

NUTRITION FACTS per 100g of raw product

Kilojoules 420 (100 calories)

Cholesterol 48mg

Sodium 90mg

Total fat (oil) 0.9g

Saturated fat 27% of total fat

Monounsaturated fat 20% of total fat

Polyunsaturated fat 53% of total fat

Omega-3, EPA 17mg

Omega-3, DHA 252mg

Omega-6, AA 30mg


Bake Boil Deep Fry Grill / BBQ Poach Raw

Roe Roe & Milk Salted

Shallow Fry Smoke Steam/microwave

Smaller sharks have sweet and delicious flesh, and are popular for their boneless and thick flakes. They have been commonly used for the traditional fish and chips but should not be overlooked for barbecuing, poaching, braising and baking. Marinate first in oil and lemon to tenderise the flesh.

Remove the skin before cooking, particularly when barbecuing, to prevent it shrinking and tearing the flesh.

Excellent for soups, shark is most popularly used in Asian-style shark fin soup and can also be successfully combined with crab meat. The texture of shark also makes it a great ingredient for fish cakes or kebabs.

Make good use of the firm flesh and enhance the flavour by cooking slowly with strong tomato and herb sauce.

Ammonia odour in shark flesh can be reduced by soaking it in milk, vinegar and water or lemon juice. However, if ammonia odours are detected, it is advisable to reject the product.

Flavour Medium, Sweet. Mild to moderate fishy flavour

Oiliness Low

Moisture Medium

Texture Medium to firm, Some species flaky

Flesh Colour White to pink

Thickness Thick fillets

Bones The skeleton of sharks is made of cartilage. Thin cartilage becomes soft when cooked.


The flavoursome flesh of shark can be accompanied by a wide array of wine styles, although young wines with citrusy, acidic features are best.

For the roast angel shark recipe from Circa, The Prince in Melbourne, a sparkling style such as a pinot-chardonnay would enhance the flavours.

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