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Hi fishraiders,

Like Ray and Relapse I have been a member just over twelve months and only just found this thread.

the best thing I ever did was finding this site.

I live at Bowraville on the mid north coast{god's country},have a small property, moved here a few years back with my partner and blue heeler. Have my own boat 181/2 ft Milligan my opinion best sea boat ever made. Love the water I spent my life either on or near the ocean, was a navy seal.

I have never been in an organisation where they have members like the fishraiders ,you all go out of your way to try and help people.I have met a fair few through the chat channel also two of the owners Stewy and his lovely partner Donna.

Its a shame no socials are up this way,as I vowed and declared I would not go back to the big smoke,had a farm with my parents at east Minto back in the 70's. ShEEEEEEEEEE that just give my age away.

Love my outside fishing, target snapper,trag,jew,snook and anything else silly enough to hit my hook.

The rest of my time is on the island golf course,getting aces.

really enjoy the site and the great reads.

cheers Rick.

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Hi Rick and :1welcomeani:

Gotta agree about the Nipper. Had one myself in the 80's with twin 50 Mercs, set up with all the Marlin gear also. Excellent for Botany Bay and outside.

Look forward to reading more of your posts.



Hi Carl,

Don't know what happened that was supposed to go in the tell us about yourself column.

anyway . yes they are a good boat , my first one had twin 80's.by the way have enjoyed all of your threads

cheers Rick.

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