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Early Morn Blacky Session Thurs 18th Sept


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Hi Guys,

decided to have a before work crack at some blackies in the harbour and it was very slow..

cond were absolutely awesome but the fish were elsewhere as i only got 1 down which i converted to a 36cm blacky.. he didnt give much stick for his size but was happy to head off to work with him in my coola bag for dinner....

decided to have another crack at em on my way home after work but this time in M/H... got there with about an hrs light left so felt confident on some sub-surface float action..... got set up burly deployed and within 2 min my float rockets outa sight :1yikes: ,i lift rod set hook and proceed to play silly buggers with structure then hook pulls. :ranting2: ..

quickly bait up and straight into it again but this time i get the upper hand :yahoo: .. bait up flick float out while i dispatch the blacky into keeper net,look up and floats down again... after a spirited fight again i land him then as i have him in the net the line trace/leader breaks... how lucky is that.... quickly sort both out and back into it again.. pull a few hooks then on again and as ive got enough for dinner i just lift this one without the landing net and as he swings up towards me the hook pulls but he bounces off rim of bucket and into bucket.... yes into bucket... man luck is sure on my side today :yahoo: ... continue to get into em drop a couple lifting and released a couple... ended up taking 5 from there + morn 1 so couple dinners sorted :biggrin2: ..

i think i am gonna can the hooks i was using as this is second time ive had more than my fair share of pulled hooks and i think the barb is issue as getting hook outa mouth was way to easy once landed so when they do those feverish headshakes i think they are throwing the hook...

anyway was an awesome non stop hour or so and even though i ran out of burly they still stayed on for another 10 nmin or so till i went home..

fish were from 28cm to 36cm....






Edited by roosterman
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thanks for the replies guys,

freezing them crumbed is best way to make it a quick meal and filleting/crumbing/freezing in one go is better than doing it over an over when needed... the food saver vaccy is ideal for keeping things the best eh ben...

dicko i was gonna ring you but it was a last minute thing on way home,next time if i can i will give you a buzz..

Dan what do ya mean ,bugger just checked the chooky rules of play and someone lost the second half of the play book :1prop: maybe thats why we havnt been playing the second half lately :074:

looks like you guys should take it out this year now cam is gonna be water boy eh,as long as you get through the warriors but that shouldt be hard as our guys gave them a false sense of security and made them look better than they are :tease: .. sharks v eagles final if cam gets ruled out which should be so.....


Edited by roosterman
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