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Squid And Yakkas


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managed to get thursday off work so i thought id head out and try my luck.

started at balmoral for squid none there, none at cobblers but first 2 casts at middle head and im on to 2 squid. things were starting to look good. so off to north head to get some yakkas and found them no trouble. so esky full of yakkas and 2 squid within the first hour and a half. after such a promising start i tried numerous locations for nothing. Clarke island nothing, numerous channel markers nothing even tried what i think is sailors bay wreck (maybe netic can let me know for sure) nothing.

normally you might say thats fishing but i got to be doing something wrong. i normally get out every week if the :wife: lets me. and i havent been getting anything i hope this summer can produce the goods.

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