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Heat Shrink Grip


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just a stab in the dark a hair dryer or there is a heat gun used for plastic welding but i think that would be to hot

a hair dryer with a nozel would do the trick we used to put telecom heat srink on our cricket bats to get that extra bit off spring and a hair dryer worked ok

hope this helps i would do a dummy run first

cherrs gary

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I have not used it. I am considering it for a surf rod and I was asking about it on a USA Website and they guys there use heat guns. Hair dryers are not hot enough. I would imagine that you must rotate the blank as you shrink it. I would do some research outside of Raider if I was you.

Let us know how you go.

Edited by Cephalopod
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A heat gun is perfect for the job. cut it about 10mm longer at each end that what you want it to finish as it will shrink as you heat it down and don't forget to apply a thin amount of araldite underneath before you start to heat it down.

Best of luck Shane.

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