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Boat Harbour/ Bate Bay 2day 21/9/08


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WELL .... Got up at 5.30 ... Hooked Up The Boat, And Left Home At Around 5.40 .... At The Ramp At Around 6.30 ..... Lauched The Boat In & Kicked The Yammy Over .... Headed Out Side Jibbion And It Was Flat As A Tact .... Beatiful, So Put The Trottle Down ( Something You Normally Cant Do ) And Flew Across To Boat Harbour



First Dift ... All Quite .. No Bites .... Very Stange, Difted For 10 Mins And Pulled In A Wrasse So We Through Bugger This And Headed Out A Little Further Into Deeper Water ..We Found A Nice Spot 40 Meters Deep, Perfect ... Droped The First Bait Down .. Had No Bites For 5 Mins .. So I Starting Reeling In ... My Dad Was Getting Bites, So I Was Pretty Close To The Surface With My, Then The Rod Just Went Off, I Called It As A Legal Fish, It Had Alot Of Weight In It ... After A Few Minutes I Seen A Seen A BIGG Sergeant Baker ... A Good Fight, But They Dont Taste So Good So Threw Him Back To Fight Another Day


Then I Dropped My Bate Back Down ... Bang Bang And I Was On .... Only A Little Rock Cod, Threw Him Back, The Back Down Again With The Bait, Bang Bang And I Reeled In A Bigger Red Rock Cod, Threw Him Back, Only Cause There Full Of Small Bones Even In There Larger Sizes ..

Then My Dad Hooks Up To A Good Sized Fish !!


Reels It In, After A Good Fight, I Net It And Say To Him " Pigfish ",

Beaty These Fish Taste Great, Cleaned Him Up And Relised " Crap Forgot To Take A Photo " ... So I Took A Photo Of The Fillets At Home


So After That We Headed Around The Heads In The Middle Of Bate Bay For Flatties, First Drop To The Bottow Bang Bang And My Dad Had A Flattie 2 cms Undersized "BUGGER" Same Thing Happens To Me 2 Mintues Later, Then My Dad Hooks 2 Flatties, Both Under .... Then He Drops The Bait In The Water Again ... Bang Bang And His Got A Legal .. .At Last .... 37cms. .... Then I Hook Up After He Puts The Flattie In The Keeper Net, Its Got A Lot Os Weight, But No Fight, It Was A Big Leatherjacket Of About 45cms ..... Well, Thats 3 Fish In The Bag !!!



After That I Felt Sick And Had A Few Spews Over The Side And That Was It For Me Lines In, Keep net In, All Clear And Then Headed Back In For Calmer Waters, I Dropped My Dad Off At The Bundeena wharf And He Went & Got Some Lunch ! He Found A Bag Of Pichards On The Wharf, He Handed Them To Me And Went Up And Got The Lunch, It Was Almost A Full Bag Around 5kg, Awsome Still Fresh !!! .... So I Freezed Them When I Got Home !! Good For Berlury !!

Anyway Had A Quick Fish While I Was Waiting And Got A Little Undersized Flattie !!

So After That We Had One Last Shot At The Fish, In Port Hacking, But Only Caught Some Toads !!

So Called It A Day, Nice Day On The Water, Awsome Weather, And Some Nice Fish For Dinner, Does It Get Any Better Then That !!

Oh By The Way, We Seen Jack On The Way Home Drving In The Car, He Had The Boat On The Back, Asked Him What Did He Catch, He Said He Didnt Go For A Fish, Just Took The Boat For A Run,



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