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Middle Harbour Flatties


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Went out yesterday morning to have a flick around the pylons and pontoons for bream. Motored along the foreshore of Powder Hulk Bay working SX40s in around the structure for nothing - the breambos were silent. Didn't even see a fish :bump0ee:. Although I did have a great roller coaster ride courtesy of the floating gin palaces. Sheesh! One sunny day, and they're all out there.

Got to the back of the bay and thought "the water temp's getting up (17.5), let's see if the flatties are awake". So I pick up the second rod and flick out an atomic prong (Nuke chicken). 5 casts along the drop off when WHAM! - I get smacked by something sizable. This feels good! I've only got 6lb fluoro on the leader (for the breambos) and she's peeling off line against the drag like there's no tomorrow. I got so worried about a bust off, I dialled up the leccie and followed her around the bay for a good five minutes :blush: . What a wuss.

Once I finally tired her out and gently lifted her into the boat, I found out I shouldn't have worried so much. She hadn't inhaled the prong, although at 59cm she could have easily, but was neatly and firmly pinned in the corner of the jaw :icon_peace: She was is fantastic condition; fat and sleek.

Then she promptly vomited breakfast all over my deck. At least I know that MH flatties are eating glassies and whitebait :mfr_lol: Much to the disgust of the old fella watching from the sailing club, I gave her a swim and let her go. I figure being 1cm off my 60cm release rule was close enough....

And it was! On the way home I pulled into the bay under Northbridge golf club for a quick flick. The same prong landed a fat 51cm model. Two 50+ flatties on the same day out of MH? Priceless. This one went into the live well, and will be dinner this week some time.

Oh, and when I cleaned him, a quick check of the 'nads revealed he wasn't a breeding female.

See you all out there,


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G'day Qwyjibo.

Two 50+ flatties on the same day out of MH? Priceless.

I reckon you're right! Any time you can bag two beauties like that is a great day on the water!

I hope you enjoyed the one you kept! Great report. :thumbup:



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Well done mate :thumbup:

Some good fishing karma ... release a 59cm model, and get rewarded with a beautiful table quality fish! Those prongs are dynamite. I have had a great deal of success with the Carolina Pumkinseed Holo color, and my mate has landed several good sized fish on the nuclear chook.

I purchased a couple of packets of the new 'guzzlers' Prongs on the weekend (New Penny and ?). I also picked up a packet of 2" Prongs in New Penny for the bream, and Dene scored the first breambo for the day on one. I can see a lot of bream falling to the 2" models; fished weightless or with light jig heads :thumbup:



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