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Hit tooth brush Island this morning, no fish what so ever, however water ways checked me out, Fisheries and breath tested by water police all with in 3 hours.

I pulled out with a $80 fine for a unregersted boat from the water police what do you do.

So people make sure all is up to scratch as it is easy to miss somthing another bloke that I spock to got a $40 fine for using his water to clean the burley off the side of his bout just before going in.

I know its all for your own good with safty however with also having to have a new eperb by law soon which I dont know how much will cost , along with everything eles soon boating is going to be only for the rich,

well I have my bitch 4 the day Hopfully I get a good payrise soon so I can keep doing the one thing Injoy but I dont like my chances.

How did everyone eles go.

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I agree with adznapper,

There are a lot of double standards and ambiguity associated with out boating laws and a lot which are often to the disgretion of the enforcing officer. Rules such as you must stay to the right hand side of narrow chanels. What constitutes a narrow channel? Travel at a speed which created minimal wash to prevent riverbank erosion? What is minimal wash? I make reference to a particular location at drummoyne where most boats slow right down to 'reduce wash' while rivercats go through this area flat stick. Their surge waves pound the shoreline. I continue to travel through this area at a high speed in my tinnie which creates waves of all of about 15cm for that is what i believe is a minimal wash.

A question of clarification. With regard to the EPIRB, adznapper or any one else for that matter, wil it be compulsory for boats operating within the 2 nautical mile zone? I sure as well hope not coz i personally don't see the need for one so close in and am not in a position to burn another $250.

Unfortunately there is a lot of ambiguity in the laws and how they are stated. Furthermore, a few very irresponsible members of the boating community have made our politicians create ridiculous laws so it seems they are doing something. Its stupid in my opinion that fishers that do the right thing and use the waters on a weekly basis have to be hindered by the random actions of others which rarely use the harbour facilities.

I try and make sure everything i do is by the book or what can be best understood by the intentions and meanings of ambigous statements and that i have all the required safety equipment so whatever encounters i have with te authorities are trouble free.

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I think it is a good thing that the police and Waterways are out there doing their jobs. I try to keep everything up to date on my boat but if that is not so and I get caught then I will just wear the fine.

With the police and Waterways doing their jobs it can only make boating safer and help us all to enjoy the water more.

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Thanks 4 all the replys

I have to ask do we as publice have access to what are fines worth 4 boat Laws on the internet as I cant find a website that has it.I checked the marine time site but there doesnt seem to be any fixed prices. I thought I would be able to find a list of penaltys for boating offences.

SSHIIT I hope my fine is only $80.

Any one know.


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..I have to ask do we as publice have access to what are fines worth 4 boat Laws on the internet as I cant find a website that has it.I checked the marine time site but there doesnt seem to be any fixed prices. I thought I would be able to find a list of penaltys for boating offences. SSHIIT I hope my fine is only $80.

Any one know.



There is a site for all NSW laws but you need to know a bit about how to find & read the Acts and Regulations. Maritime has a Link to the relevant Legislation on its website http://www.waterways.nsw.gov.au/other.html# but its not easy to use.

See http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/maintop/.../inforce/NONE/0 and look at section "Regulations etc inforce" & under "W" "Water Traffic Regulations—N.S.W". There seems to quite a bit of legislation for waterways, licences, drugs & alcohol etc which does make it confusing.

I would say you were done under Water Traffic Regulations—N.S.W, Regulation 11.(13)

(a) If any registrable vessel is on any navigable waters and is unregistered:

(i) the owner of such vessel shall be guilty of an offence against this regulation, and

The fines are set out in the Schedules at the end of the legislation, the good news for you, it does appear to be only $80, which does seem pretty cheap given similar motor traffic legislation and fines. ( Schedule 2 Prescribed offences and penalties for the purposes of section 30D of the Maritime Services Act 1935, 11 (13) (a) 80). Usually they talk about fines in terms of penalty points (just to make it a little harder), but in this case they actually give the cost in dollars.


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Yeah mate they are out there ATM.

I got pinged in a 4 knot zone again the other day.

I was doing about 8knots. I s**t myself as my mate pointed behind me and i looked over to see their vessel coming at me with lights blazing.

I acted like a fool with these guys when i should have just listened and copped it as i was clearly going a bit fast.

It was 6am nobody in sight and i just powered up a bit early before passing the marker.

They were reasonable, and i got a warning- next time (not) will be a fine.

It was just before heading out past Kilarney point.

Cheers and safe boating.

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