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Rose Bay Ramp?


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Hi all fishraiders , after talking to others about the future King Social and what a greatday Back to the bay was ... I am thinking of heading down to Rose Bay ramp and just checking out the Harbour, ramp and facilities in the area..

So is the parking secure?

Is there much of a problem with louts and hoods? as My car maybe left for quite a while? i was also thinking of locking the trailer and boat up at night and maybe getting a motel.. Would the trailer be safe? with a wheel lock? If I was to leave it there..(Wheel locked and trailer chained as well?)

What about Bait shops? Fuel? and Tackle? as i have never caught my own bait on purpose :biggrin2: But, i might give it a go this time..

Well I hope to be down that way around November, so any help at all would be great thanks .... :thumbup::beersmile:

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Council Rangers patrol the site regularly on the weekends ( not sure about during the week) . We have been using Rose Bay for over a year , and have had no problems at all. I think you can get fuel at Rushcutters Bay ( about 3 Ks back towards Sydney ) , cant recall if there is a servo at Rose Bay or not . I assume that servo bait would be available there as well .


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Yeh mate,

I'd say it should be fine if all locked and chained. If you don't feel safe there park it in a near by residential street as we have left our boat previously without problems. There is two petrol stations if you head down new south head road towards watson bay they are about 1 km from the boat ramp. They will have your general servo quality baits but as the guys said you can get yakkas from the wharf and Squid from the wharf as well. But there are better places for live bait around the harbour.



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Yeh mate,

I'd say it should be fine if all locked and chained. If you don't feel safe there park it in a near by residential street as we have left our boat previously without problems. There is two petrol stations if you head down new south head road towards watson bay they are about 1 km from the boat ramp. They will have your general servo quality baits but as the guys said you can get yakkas from the wharf and Squid from the wharf as well. But there are better places for live bait around the harbour.



thanks for all the help guys I should be heading down in November to give it a go :beersmile:

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