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Botany 30.092008


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The bright side:

- Perfect weather

- 1st time poked my nose out of the Bay with no problems (though some waves looked big, but the boat handled them. Don't know was yesterday swell considered big or not)

- Heaps of fish on the sounder outside

- 1st time saw the whale and dolphins!

- new inflatable PFD's are so much better

The dark side

- didn't have enough time

- didn't catch any fish

- was not able to catch any livebait: even in the spot that was producing it consistently last season (this is the 2nd time out of 2 this season, so I wonder is it to early or what?)

- because of that didn't test the downrigger.

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So what happened Johnno?

The fish you saw on the sounder - were they mid water or near bottom?

What was the water depth and temp?

How where you fishing? Amongst the shows on the sounder or somewhere else?

Where were you trying to get your livies ? could you see them at the transom or sounder but no bites or were there none showing on the sounder?

Still, we all need to be on the water to re-establish our summer fishing routine after the winter - it was a nice day to do it anyway...

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Sorry, are you asking me or Johnno? It was me who did not catch the fish :D , not him (I guess Johnno does nto have this problem to often :D )

So what happened Johnno?

The fish you saw on the sounder - were they mid water or near bottom?

What was the water depth and temp?

How where you fishing? Amongst the shows on the sounder or somewhere else?

Where were you trying to get your livies ? could you see them at the transom or sounder but no bites or were there none showing on the sounder?

Still, we all need to be on the water to re-establish our summer fishing routine after the winter - it was a nice day to do it anyway...

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Sorry Kruzenvax - I did actually mean you.

I got my lines crossed there. Sometimes you're so keen to ask them questions that you don't take little details like that into account!

Yes - just curious to see what didn't go to plan for you - often there are heaps of shows on the sounder but they are non baitfish or jellyfish or some other stuff that's not fish. If your sounder is colour, then red colours usually mean bigger individual fish (like kingies) whereas yellows may be any sort of small fish, etc..

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Robbielites, I was thinking about trolling lures with DR but than a call came... so I managed to spend only 4 hours on the water.

Keflapod, depth was (I was trolling different distances from the rocks) between 20-40m. I think the temperature was around 17 degrees. Fish was midwater (what looked like baitfish) and bottom (bigger arches, also midwater but not less than 15 m). Don't have colour sounder, but some fish looked like these arches so I thought it is a fish. I was trolling 2 halco's; was about to put one on the DR or perhaps throw some SP's on heavy jighead, or hang some defrosted garfish on the patternoster; haven't decided and had to go back as I mentioned above.

I used to get plenty of baitfish last season at 2 spots in Botany near weedbeds on sabiki in about 4 m of water, using bread & pilchards as berley. Not this season (2nd time in a row!). I've located one school of baitfish on the sounder in deeper water (by driving around) and dropped sabilki there - no luck.

Not a good start for a season... or dolphins bring bad luck?

Thanks guys

Edited by Kruzenvax
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