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Google Earth On The Water


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Just thought I'd relate a little discovery I made at the Bay Social. We've all had a look at Google Earth and been wowed by what you can see from your desk but...

I'm one of those :wank: that you see waling around with a new iPhone. While sitting around having a bacon & egg sanga with the Swordies, Flightmanagers, Hodgey, etc I realised that I could access Google Earth right there beside the water. I was able to pinpoint a weedbed beside a particluar rock groyne, walk straight down to it, and concentrate my fishing on a known feature.

Didn't catch any fish but :1yikes: I've since had a look at some of the east coast estuaries like Forster and in some cases there might as well be a 'fish here' sign on the water... I'm sure I could see Roberta in her Yak fishing one of her favourite Blackie spots!

All in the palm of your hand while you're on the water.

Cheers, Slinky

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I would personally do my homework on the area before i fish.

IE print out maps of areas to target

Time on the water is always hard to get but when your on it you would rather fish.

Not sure how accurate the maps are either (how long ago the shots where taken)

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yep been checking it out tony

a live feed would be cool but they wont $120.00 month or $700.00 odd a year

and i think the pics still my be 24 hours old

what i found realy cool was with a book off gps marks you can see where they all are

i will probly never fish there but check out browns it take a bit off fidling and a steady hand but if you pan in and out you can see the formation


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Mate we looked at it to find the reefs we hit up north for snapper in water upto 20m deep!

Perfect to hunt down bombies in areas we have never fished before. Great to work out distance from ramps to reefs as well.

Will be interesting to see and use the Nav-Net system with wind, current and temps overlaid on the mapping. Then with the 3D bottom tracking to see the walls, drop offs and reef edges will be a huge advantage.

Amazing all this new technology!!


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